المؤلفون: 藤田, 雅也, フジタ, マサヤ, 30414634, FUJITA, Masaya, read0085844, 中村, 和弘, ナカムラ, カズヒロ, 50355294, NAKAMURA, Kazuhiro, kznaka, 八田, 浩一, 743, ハッタ, コウイチ, 80414811, HATTA, Koichi, koichiH, 河田, 尚之, カワダ, ナオユキ, read0085850, KAWADA, Naoyuki, 松中, 仁, マツナカ, ヒトシ, 00414657, MATSUNAKA, Hitoshi, mtnk_1030, 久保, 堅司, クボ, カタシ, 20446470, KUBO, Katashi, katashi, orcid:0000-0002-6355-6730, 小田, 俊介, オダ, シュンスケ, 70414810, ODA, Syunsuke, shunsuke1206, 関, 昌子, セキ, マサコ, 50414636, SEKI, Masako, masakoseki, 波多野, 哲也, ハタノ, テツヤ, 90414812, HATANO, Tetsuya, tetsuyahatano, 田谷, 省三, タヤ, ショウゾウ, TAYA, Shozo, 平, 将人, タイラ, マサト, 70370608, TAIRA, Masato, mtaira, 堤, 忠宏, ツツミ, タダヒロ, TSUTSUMI, Tadahiro, 塔野岡, 卓司, トウノオカ, タクジ, 00414649, TONOOKA, Takuji, tohnooka, TANIGUCHI, Yoshinori, 谷口, 義則, 10370610, タニグチ, ヨシノリ, koharu, 佐々木, 昭博, 517, ササキ, アキヒロ, SASAKI, Akihiro
مصطلحات موضوعية: コムギ, 新品種, 秋播型早生, 通常アミロース, 軟質, 製粉性, 赤かび病抵抗性, soft red wheat, new cultivar, winter type, normal amylose, milling score, Fusarium head blight
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: 九州沖縄農業研究センター報告; 65; 75; 91; Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center; https://repository.naro.go.jp/record/1816/files/konarc_report_No65p75-91p.pdf
المؤلفون: 河田, 尚之, カワダ, ナオユキ, read0085850, KAWADA, Naoyuki, 小田, 俊介, オダ, シュンスケ, 70414810, ODA, Syunsuke, shunsuke1206, 藤田, 雅也, フジタ, マサヤ, 30414634, FUJITA, Masaya, read0085844, 八田, 浩一, 743, ハッタ, コウイチ, 80414811, HATTA, Koichi, koichiH, 久保, 堅司, クボ, カタシ, 20446470, KUBO, Katashi, katashi, orcid:0000-0002-6355-6730, 土井, 芳憲, ドイ, ヨシノリ, DOI, Yoshinori, 田谷, 省三, タヤ, ショウゾウ, TAYA, Shozo, 佐々木, 昭博, 517, ササキ, アキヒロ, SASAKI, Akihiro, 塔野岡, 卓司, トウノオカ, タクジ, 00414649, TONOOKA, Takuji, tohnooka, 堤, 忠宏, ツツミ, タダヒロ, TSUTSUMI, Tadahiro, TANIGUCHI, Yoshinori, 谷口, 義則, 10370610, タニグチ, ヨシノリ, koharu, 関, 昌子, セキ, マサコ, 50414636, SEKI, Masako, masakoseki, 波多野, 哲也, ハタノ, テツヤ, 90414812, HATANO, Tetsuya, tetsuyahatano, 平, 将人, タイラ, マサト, 70370608, TAIRA, Masato, mtaira
مصطلحات موضوعية: オオムギ, 新品種, 焼酎醸造適性, 多収, オオムギ縞萎縮病抵抗性, 穂発芽耐性, Kirameki-Nijo is a two-rowed, hulled, spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for Japanese spirits, shochu,
that was developed at the Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center in 2007 and registered as "Two-rowed Barley Norin 25" in 2008. This cultivar was derived from the cross Saikai Kawa 48 / Hakei 89-63 made in 1992, and handled by the derived line breeding method. Kirameki-Nijo matures early and heads nearly four days earlier than the standard tworowed cultivar Nishinochikara. Kirameki-Nijo is moderately short in height, and the spike is medium-short, dense, feather-shaped, and erect before maturation and has a long awn. Its spike number is slightly more than Nishinochikara, and it is tolerant to lodging and similar to Nishinochikara. The 1000-kernel weight and kernel plumpness of Kirameki-Nijo exceed those of Nishinochikara, and the yield of plump kernels, which don't pass through a 2.5 mm sieve, is higher than Nishinochikara. The kernel has a light yellow-brown husk, and grain quality is inferior to Nishinochikara. Kirameki-Nijo is completely resistant to barley yellow mosaic virus strain types I and III. It is estimated to have resistance gene rym3 and is moderately resistant to Fusarium head blight and predominant races of powdery mildew. Kirameki-Nijo is tolerant to pre-harvest sprouting and is apparently superior to Nishinochikara. The grain of Kirameki-Nijo is soft, and whiteness of pearled grain is as high as the standard cultivar Nishinohoshi, which has excellent qualities for pearling and distilling Japanese spirits. The percentage of broken pearled grain is relatively high, therefore pearling quality is not superior to Nishinohoshi. The yield of distilled alcohol is as high as Nishinohoshi, and the spirits from Kirameki-Nijo is rich in flavor and suitable as a material for Japanese spirits. Yield trials performed in several prefectural experiment stations indicate that KiramekiNijo is adapted to flat areas of Western Japan وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: 九州沖縄農業研究センター報告; 64; 21; 40; Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center; https://repository.naro.go.jp/record/1868/files/konarc_report_No64p21-40p.pdf
المؤلفون: 藤田, 雅也, フジタ, マサヤ, 30414634, FUJITA, Masaya, read0085844, 河田, 尚之, カワダ, ナオユキ, read0085850, KAWADA, Naoyuki, 関, 昌子, セキ, マサコ, 50414636, SEKI, Masako, masakoseki, 八田, 浩一, 743, ハッタ, コウイチ, 80414811, HATTA, Koichi, koichiH, 波多野, 哲也, ハタノ, テツヤ, 90414812, HATANO, Tetsuya, tetsuyahatano, 田谷, 省三, タヤ, ショウゾウ, TAYA, Shozo, 佐々木, 昭博, 517, ササキ, アキヒロ, SASAKI, Akihiro, 氏原, 和人, ウジハラ, カズト, UJIHARA, Kazuto, TANIGUCHI, Yoshinori, 谷口, 義則, 10370610, タニグチ, ヨシノリ, koharu, 平, 将人, タイラ, マサト, 70370608, TAIRA, Masato, mtaira, 塔野岡, 卓司, トウノオカ, タクジ, 00414649, TONOOKA, Takuji, tohnooka, 堤, 忠宏, ツツミ, タダヒロ, TSUTSUMI, Tadahiro, 坂, 智広, バン, トモヒロ, 80343771, BAN, Tomohiro, 7000000375
مصطلحات موضوعية: コムギ, 硬質, 高蛋白質, 製パン適性, 新品種, hard red spring wheat, high protein, bread-making quality, new variety
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: 九州沖縄農業研究センター報告; 51; 41; 64; Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center; https://repository.naro.go.jp/record/2152/files/konarc_report_No51p41-64p.pdf
المؤلفون: 小田, 俊介, オダ, シュンスケ, 70414810, ODA, Syunsuke, shunsuke1206, 河田, 尚之, カワダ, ナオユキ, read0085850, KAWADA, Naoyuki, 藤田, 雅也, フジタ, マサヤ, 30414634, FUJITA, Masaya, read0085844, 八田, 浩一, 743, ハッタ, コウイチ, 80414811, HATTA, Koichi, koichiH, 氏原, 和人, ウジハラ, カズト, UJIHARA, Kazuto, 佐々木, 昭博, 517, ササキ, アキヒロ, SASAKI, Akihiro, 田谷, 省三, タヤ, ショウゾウ, TAYA, Shozo, 堤, 忠宏, ツツミ, タダヒロ, TSUTSUMI, Tadahiro, TANIGUCHI, Yoshinori, 谷口, 義則, 10370610, タニグチ, ヨシノリ, koharu, 関, 昌子, セキ, マサコ, 50414636, SEKI, Masako, masakoseki, 塔野岡, 卓司, トウノオカ, タクジ, 00414649, TONOOKA, Takuji, tohnooka, 平, 将人, タイラ, マサト, 70370608, TAIRA, Masato, mtaira, 波多野, 哲也, ハタノ, テツヤ, 90414812, HATANO, Tetsuya, tetsuyahatano, 坂, 智広, バン, トモヒロ, 80343771, BAN, Tomohiro, 7000000375
مصطلحات موضوعية: コムギ, 赤かび病抵抗性, 製粉特性, アミロース含量, soft red spring wheat, scab resistance, milling property, amylase content
وصف الملف: application/pdf
Relation: 九州沖縄農業研究センター報告; 51; 19; 39; Bulletin of the NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center; https://repository.naro.go.jp/record/2143/files/konarc_report_No51p19-39p.pdf