المؤلفون: Король Наталья Валерьевна, УО «Белорусский государственный университет», Natalia V. Korol, Belarus State University
المصدر: Theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology; ; Теоретические и практические аспекты педагогики и психологии
مصطلحات موضوعية: буллинг, жертва, bullying, victim, свидетель, агрессор, подкрепляющий поведение буллера, помощник буллера, пассивный наблюдатель, защитник жертвы, aggressor, witness, reinforcing the bully's behavior, bully's assistant, passive observer, defender of the victim
وصف الملف: text/html
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/978-5-907830-33-2; https://phsreda.com/e-articles/10609/Action10609-111196.pdf; Ледовая Я.А. Отчуждение моральной ответственности: психологический конструкт и методы его измерения / Я.А. Ледовая, Р.В. Тихонов, О.Н. Боголюбова [и др.] // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Психология. – 2016. – №4. – С. 23–39. DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu16.2016.402. EDN YFMSBJ; Almeida A., Correia I., Marinho S. Moral disengagement, normative beliefs of peer group, and attitudes regarding roles in bullying // Journal of School Violence. – 2010. Vol. 9. P. 23–36.; Andreou E., Vlachou A., Didaskalou E. The roles of self-efficacy, peer interactions and attitudes in bully-victim incidents: implications for intervention policy-practices // School Psychology International. 2005. Vol. 26 (5). P. 545–562. DOI 10.1177/0143034305060789. EDN JPWFKN; Barchia K., Bussey K. Predictors of student defenders of peer aggression victims: Empathy and social cognitive factors // International Journal of Behavioral Development. 2011. Vol. 35. №4. P. 289–297.; Bandura A., Barbaranelli C., Caprara G.V. Pastorelli C. Mechanisms of moral disengagement in the exercise of moral agency // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1996. Vol. 71. P. 364–374. EDN HITIDT; Bandura A., Caprara G.V., Barbaranelli C., Pastorelli C. Sociocognitive self-regulatory mechanisms governing transgressive behavior // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2001. Vol. 80. P. 125–135. EDN GXUCNP; Bandura A. Moral disengagement in the perpetration of inhumanities // Personality and Social Psychology Review. 1999. Vol. 3. P. 193–209. DOI 10.1207/s15327957pspr0303_3. EDN JPBNLP; Bebeau M.J., Rest J.R., Narvaez D. Beyond the promise: A perspective on research in moral education // Educational Researcher. 1999. Vol. 28. P. 18–26. DOI 10.3102/0013189X028004018. EDN JRPAKX; Bellmore A., Ma T-L., You J., Hughes M. A two-method investigation of early adolescents’ responses upon witnessing peer victimization in school // Journal of Adolescence. 2012. Vol. 35. P. 1265–1276.; Camodeca M., Coppola G. Participant roles in preschool bullying: The impact of emotion regulation, social preference, and quality of the teacher-child relationship // Social Development. 2019. Vol. 28 (1). P. 3–21.; Carlo G., Mestre M.V., McGinley M.M., Samper P., Tur A., Sandman D. The interplay of emotional instability, empathy and coping on prosocial and aggressive behaviors // Personality and Individual Differences. 2012. Vol. 53. P. 675–680.; Cappadocia M.C., Pepler D., Cummings J.G., Craig W. Individual motivations and characteristics with bystander intervention during bullying episodes among children and youth // Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 2012. Vol. 27. P. 201–216.; Catalano R.F., Berglund M.L., Ryan J., Lonczak H.S., Hawkis J.D. Positive youth development in the United States: research findings on evaluations of positive youth development programs // Prevention & Treatment. 2002. Vol. 5.; Craig W.M. The relationship among bullying, victimization, depression, anxiety, and aggression in elementary school children // Personality and individual differences. 1998. Vol. 24 (1). P. 123–130.; Craig W.M., Pepler D., Atlas R. Observations of bullying in the playground and in the classroom // School Psychology International. 2000. Vol. 21. P. 22–36. DOI 10.1177/0143034300211002. EDN JPWCSN; Dovidio J.F., Piliavin J.A., Schroeder D.A., Penner L.A. The social psychology of prosocial behavior. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006.; Frisén A. Holmqvist K. Adolescents’ own suggestions for bullying interventions at age 13 and 16 // Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 2010. Vol. 51. P. 123–131.; Gini G., Albiero P., Benelli B., Alto G. Determinants of adolescents’ active defending and passive bystanding behavior in bullying // Journal of Adolescence. 2008. Vol. 31. P. 93–105.; Grennan S. Woodhams J. The impact of bullying and coping strategies on the psychological distress of young offenders // Psychology, Crime & Law. 2007. Vol. 13 (5). P. 487–504.; Jimerson S.R., Swearer S.M., Espelage D.L. Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. – New York, NY: Routledge, 2010.; Jordan J. Taking the first step toward a moral action: A review of moral sensitivity measurement across domains // The Journal of Genetic Psychology. 2007. Vol. 168. P. 323–359.; Kärnä A., Voeten M., Poskiparta E., Salmivalli C. Vulnerable children in varying classroom contexts: Bystanders' behaviors moderate the effects of risk factors on victimization // Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 2010. Vol. 56 (3). P. 261–282.; Nickerson A.B., Mele D., Princiotta D. Attachment and empathy as predictors of roles as defenders or outsiders in bullying interactions // Journal of School Psychology. 2008. Vol. 46 (6). P. 687–703.; Obermann M. Moral disengagement among bystanders to school bullying // Journal of School Violence. 2011. Vol. 10. P. 239–257.; Obermann M.L. Moral disengagement in self-reported and peer-nominated school bullying // Aggressive Behavior. 2011. Vol. 37. P. 133–144.; O’Connell P., Pepler D., Craig W. Peer involvement in bullying; insights and challenges for intervention // Journal of Adolescence. 1999. Vol. 22 (4). P. 437–452. EDN GRGPFF; Oh I., Hazler R.J. Contributions of personal and situational factors to bystanders’ reactions to school bullying // School Psychology International. 2009. Vol. 30. P. 291–310.; O’Moor M. Kirkham C. Self-esteem and its relationship to bullying behavior // Aggressive Behavior. 2001. Vol. 27. P. 269–283.; Olweus D. Bullying at school: What we know and what we can do. 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Bullying as a group process: Participant roles and their relations to social status within the group // Aggressive behavior. 1996. Vol. 22 (1). P. 1–15.; Salmivalli C., Voeten M., Poskiparta E. Bystanders matter: Associations between reinforcing, defending, and the frequency of bullying behavior in classrooms // Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 2011. Vol. 40 (5). P. 668–676.; Schwarzer R., Dunkel-Schetter C., Weiner B., Woo G. Expectancies as mediators between recipient characteristics and social support intentions. In: Schwarzer R, editor. Self-Efficacy: Thought Control of Action. Washington: Hemisphere Publishing, 1992. – P. 65–90.; Slee P.T., Rigby K. The relationship of Eysenck’s personality factors and self-esteem to bully-victim behaviour in Australian schoolboys // Personality and Individual differences. 1993. Vol. 14 (2). P. 371–373.; Tani F., Greenman P., Schneider B., Fregoso M. 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المؤلفون: Король Наталья Валерьевна, УО «Белорусский государственный университет», Natalia V. Korol, Belarus State University
المصدر: Modern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results; 131-153 ; Современные вопросы педагогики и психологии: теоретико-методологические подходы и практические результаты исследований; 131-153
مصطلحات موضوعية: буллинг, жертва, bullying, victim, свидетель, агрессор, подкрепляющий поведение буллера, помощник буллера, пассивный наблюдатель, защитник жертвы, aggressor, witness, reinforcing the bully's behavior, bully's assistant, passive observer, defender of the victim
وصف الملف: text/html
Relation: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/isbn/978-5-907830-04-2; https://phsreda.com/e-articles/10568/Action10568-109940.pdf; Алексеева Е.В. Личностные ресурсы защитников жертвы и агрессоров, участников буллинга в ситуации морального выбора / Е.В. Алексеева, А.П. Николаева // Профилактика девиантного поведения детей и молодежи: региональные модели и технологии: сборник статей по материалам Международной научно-практической конференции, посвящается 75-летию Гуманитарно-педагогической академии / под ред. В.В. Коврова. – 2019. – С. 248–251. – EDN JPQPAX; Волкова И.В. Характеристики субъектности и психологического благополучия у подростков-защитников в ситуации буллинга в школе / И.В. Волкова // Психология человека в образовании. – 2019. – Т. 1. №2. – С. 110–116. DOI:10.33910/2686-9527-2019-1-2-110-116. – EDN GZNBUK; Королев А.А. Взаимосвязь типа личности жертвы со спецификой воздействия буллинга / А.А. Королев // Психолог. – 2021. – №4. – С. 1–10. – DOI 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.4.36256. – EDN EYLYIH; Ледовая Я.А. Отчуждение моральной ответственности: психологический конструкт и методы его измерения / Я.А. Ледовая, Р.В. Тихонов, О.Н. Боголюбова [и др.] // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Психология. – 2016. – №4. – С. 23–39. – DOI 10.21638/11701/spbu16.2016.402. – EDN YFMSBJ; Обухова Ю.В. Образ сверстника – жертвы буллинга у школьников с разной выраженностью виктимного поведения / Ю.В. Обухова, В.О. Гурьева // Российский психологический журнал. – 2017. – Т. 14. №2. – С. 118–134. – DOI 10.21702/rpj.2017.2.7. – EDN WIGASK; Albores-Gallo L., Sauceda-García J.M., Ruiz-Velasco S., Roque-Santiago E. Bullying and its association with psychiatric disorders in a Mexican school sample // Salud Pública de México. – 2011. – Vol. 53. №3. – P. 220–227.; Arseneault L. The long-term impact of bullying victimization on mental health // World psychiatry. – 2017. – №16 (1). – P. 27–28.; Barchia K., Bussey K. Predictors of student defenders of peer aggression victims: Empathy and social cognitive factors // International Journal of Behavioral Development. – 2011. Vol. 35. №4. – P. 289–297.; Baumeister R.F., Stillwell A.M., Heatherton T.F. Guilt: an interpersonal approach // Psychological bulletin. – 1994. – №115 (2). – P. 243. – EDN HKCNOD; Boulton M.J., Flemington I. The effects of a short video intervention on secondary school pupils’ involvement in definitions of and attitudes to-wards bullying // School Psychology International. – 1996. – Vol. 17. – P. 331–345. – DOI 10.1177/0143034396174003. – EDN JPWBAR; Cappadocia M.C., Pepler D., Cummings J.G., Craig W. 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The perceived role of bullying bystanders in Mex-ican secondary school settings. PhD thesis. – University of York. – 2017. – 375 p.; Nation M., Vieno A., Perkins D., Santinello M. Bullying in school and ad-olescent sense of empowerment: an analysis of relationships with parents, friends, and teachers // Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. – 2008. Vol. 18 (3). – P. 211–232.; Nishina A., Juvonen J. Daily reports of witnessing and experiencing peer harassment in middle school // Child Development. – 2005. – Vol. 76. – P. 435–450.; Obermann M.L. Temporal aspects of moral disengagement in school bul-lying: crystallization or escalation? // Journal of school violence. – 2013. – Vol. 12 (2). – P. 193–210.; O’Connell P., Pepler D., Craig W. Peer involvement in bullying; insights and challenges for intervention // Journal of Adolescence. – 1999. – Vol. 22 (4). – P. 437–452. – EDN GRGPFF; Olweus D. 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