المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В., Альберт, В.Д., Бабенко, І.В., Барбінова, А.В., Богомаз, М.А., Большая, О.В., Бородай, Е.М., Букка, А.А., Важеніна, І.Л., Войтаннік, В.В., Гриньова, М.В., Губарь, О.Г., Гуз, К.Ж., Гурська, О.В., Дубінін, С.І., Дяченко-Богун, М.М., Жалій, Т.В., Жалій, Р.В., Жданова-Неділько, О.Г., Захарін, С.В., Кардаш, Н.Г., Кононец, Н.В., Костевський, О.Е., Новописьменний, С.А., Пивовар, Н.М., Пилипенко, Л.О., Топузов, О.М., Хоменко, Л.Г., Шпильовий, В.Д., Яценко, Т.В.
مصطلحات موضوعية: проектування, безпека, безпечне освітнє середовище, освітнє середовище, інновації, заклад освіти
2Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Training of future qualified personnel for entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of small business development: theory and practice
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В., Базиль, Л.О., Гриценок, І.А., Єршова, Людмила Михайлівна, Закатнов, Д.О., Орлов, В.Ф., Сохацька, Г.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Monograph, NonPeerReviewed
http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/724963/1/pidhotovka_maibutnikh_kvalifikovanykh_kadriv_do_pidpryiemnytskoi_diialnosti.pdf http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/724963/ https://ivet.edu.ua/repozytarii/produktsiia-ndr/321-ndr-teoretychni-i-metodychni-osnovy-pidhotovky-maibutnikh-kvalifikovanykh-kadriv-do-pidpryiemnytskoi-diialnosti-v-umovakh-rozvytku-maloho-biznesu-2019-2021 http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/724963 https://ivet.edu.ua/repozytarii/produktsiia-ndr/321-ndr-teoretychni-i-metodychni-osnovy-pidhotovky-maibutnikh-kvalifikovanykh-kadriv-do-pidpryiemnytskoi-diialnosti-v-umovakh-rozvytku-maloho-biznesu-2019-2021 -
3Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Psychological-pedagogical trainings in the system of career counseling for students of vocational schools: a textbook
المؤلفون: Закатнов, Д.О., Алєксєєва, С.В., Орлов, В.Ф., Гриценок, І.А., Кузьмінська, Л.Д.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book, PeerReviewed
4Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Bases of innovative enterprise: program of educational discipline for establishments of trade (vocational) education
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В., Базиль, Л.О., Байдулін, В.Б., Ваніна, Н.М., Єршова, Людмила Михайлівна, Закатнов, Д.О., Орлов, В.Ф., Радкевич, О.П.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Article, PeerReviewed
http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/717529/1/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%20%D0%9E%D0%A1%D0%9D%D0%9E%D0%92%D0%98%20%D0%86%D0%9D%D0%9D%D0%9E%D0%92%D0%90%D0%A6%D0%86%D0%99%D0%9D%D0%9E%D0%93%D0%9E%20%D0%9F%D0%86%D0%94%D0%9F%D0%A0%D0%98%D0%84%D0%9C%D0%9D%D0%98%D0%A6%D0%A2%D0%92%D0%90.pdf http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/717529/ http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/717529 -
5Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Career guidance system for students of vocational schools: monograph
المؤلفون: Закатнов, Д.О., Алєксєєва, С.В., Величко, Н.О., Єршова, Людмила Михайлівна, Кузьмінська, Л.Д., Лозовецька, В.Т., Орлов, В.Ф.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.06 Social problems in education. Human contacts, relationships, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Monograph, NonPeerReviewed
6Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Informational possibilities and prospects of online consulting for development of professional career
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book Section, PeerReviewed
http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/712251/1/Alekseeva%202018.pdf http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/712251/ https://ivet.edu.ua/publications/mk/878-naukovo-metodychne-zabezpechennya-profesiynoyi-osvity-i-navchannya http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/712251 https://ivet.edu.ua/publications/mk/878-naukovo-metodychne-zabezpechennya-profesiynoyi-osvity-i-navchannya -
7Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Planning and development of professional career of student's young people in the system of vocational education
المؤلفون: Закатнов, Д.О., Орлов, В.Ф., Алєксєєва, С.В., Єршова, Людмила Михайлівна, Лозовецька, В.Т.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book, PeerReviewed
8Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: On-line-advising of development professional career: experience and prospects
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book Section, PeerReviewed
http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/707233/1/%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0%20%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8B.pdf http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/707233/ http://ivet-ua.science/publications/mk/670-seminar-20160427 http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/707233 http://ivet-ua.science/publications/mk/670-seminar-20160427 -
9Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: A dynamics of readiness of future designers is todevelopment of professional career
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study, Article, PeerReviewed
10Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Vocational education: informational and analytical materials on the results of the qualifying phase of research
المؤلفون: Радкевич, В.О., Артюшина, М.В., Лузан, П.Г., Липська, Лариса Василівна, Гуменний, О.Д., Гуменна, Л.С., Белан, Владислав Юрійович, Зуєва, Альона Борисівна, Кононенко, Андрій Геннадійович, Закатнов, Д.О., Єршова, Людмила Михайлівна, Орлов, В.Ф., Алєксєєва, С.В., Гриценок, І.А., Злочевська, Л.С., Байдулін, В.Б., Базелюк, Олександр Васильович, Ягупов, Василь Васильович, Петренко, Лариса Михайлівна, Шевченко, Віктор Леонтійович, Кравець, С.Г., Голуб, І.І., Мищишен, А. В., Кулалаєва, Наталя Валеріївна, Романова, Г.М., Герлянд, Т.М., Пащенко, Т.М., Романов, Л.А., Бородієнко, О.В., Радкевич, О.П., Пуховська, Л.П., Леу, Сніжана Олексіївна
مصطلحات الفهرس: 004.9 ІКТ ( Application-oriented computer-based techniques ), 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book, PeerReviewed
11Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Aspects of self-attestation of future designers in preparation for development of professional career
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study, Book Section, PeerReviewed
12Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Special aspects of future designers training for their professional career development in Italy
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study, Article, PeerReviewed
13Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Scientific Herald of the Institute of Vocational Education and Training of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Vocational pedagogy
المؤلفون: Радкевич, В.О., Артюшина, М.В., Гуржій, А.М., Єршова, Людмила Михайлівна, Каленський, А.А., Коваленко, О.М., Лузан, П.Г., Ничкало, Нелля Григорівна, Орлов, В.Ф., Петренко, Лариса Михайлівна, Пуховська, Л.П., Романова, Г.М., Ягупов, Василь Васильович, Гуменна, Л.С., Белан, Владислав Юрійович, Короткова, Л.І., Бородієнко, О.В., Гриценок, І.А., Алєксєєва, С.В., Максимова, А.Б., Шамралюк, О.Л., Ромась, Катерина, Глущенко, Олена Вадимівна, Андрощук, Ірина, Клименко, Марина, Андрощук, Ігор, Радкевич, О.П., Леу, Сніжана Олексіївна, Мельник, О.В., Гурова, Інна, Грибіш, Степан
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book, PeerReviewed
14Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Digest of scientific research (2006-2016 years)
Дайджест научных разработок (2006-2016 гг.)المؤلفون: Айстраханов, Д.Д., Алєксєєва, С.В., Злочевська, Л.С., Зуєва, Альона Борисівна, Слатвінська, О.А.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01/.09 Special auxiliary table for theory, principles, methods and organization of education, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book, PeerReviewed
15Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Emotional adjusting of educational-cognitive activity of future designers to development of professional careerа
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, 378 Higher education. Universities. Academic study, Article, PeerReviewed
16Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Modern forms of future designers preparation to their professional career development
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Article, PeerReviewed
17Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Forms and methods on-line advising of future specialists on development of professional career
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Article, PeerReviewed
18Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: On-line-advising from development of professional career : basic problems and directions of transformation in context of international experienc
المؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.04 Education in relation to the educand, pupil. Guidance, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book Section, PeerReviewed
19Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Digest of scientific developments (2006-2016 years)
المؤلفون: Радкевич, В.О., Алєксєєва, С.В., Злочевська, Л.С., Зуєва, Альона Борисівна, Айстраханов, Д.Д., Слатвінська, О.А.
مصطلحات الفهرس: 37.01 Fundamentals of education. Theory. Policy etc., 37.02 General questions of didactics and method, 37.07 Management aspects of educational institutions, 37.09 Organization of instruction, 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book, PeerReviewed
20Electronic Resource
Additional Titles: Информационные технологии в учебно-воспитательном процессе ПТУЗ
Information technology in the educational process of vocational schoolsالمؤلفون: Алєксєєва, С.В., Гириловська, І.В., Гуменний, О.Д., Карташова, Л.А., Майборода, Людмила Анатоліївна, Савченко, Ірина
مصطلحات الفهرس: 004.9 ІКТ ( Application-oriented computer-based techniques ), 377 Specialized instruction. Vocational, technical, professional training. Vocational colleges, institutes. Polytechnics, Book, PeerReviewed