1Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Lin M, Payne DA, Schwarz JR
المساهمون: Applied & Environmental Microbiology
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biodiversity, Foods, Methods and Techniques, Pollution Assessment Control and Management, Public Health: Allied Medical Sciences, DNA: analysis, environmental conditions, genetic diversity, oyster: seafood,virological analysis, population structures: shifts, temperature, oyster: common [Pelecypoda], Vibrio vulnificus: species,analysis,intraspecific diversity [Vibrionaceae], Pelecypoda: Animals,Invertebrates,Mollusks, Vibrionaceae: Bacteria,Eubacteria,Microorganisms, [06704] Vibrionaceae, [07502] Ecology: environmental biology - General and methods, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [10062] Biochemistry studies - Nucleic acids,purines and pyrimidines, [13502] Food technology - General and methods, [13522] Food technology - Fish and other marine and freshwater products, [30000] Bacteriology,general and systematic, [31000] Physiology and biochemistry of bacteria, [37001] Public health - General and miscellaneous, [37015] Public health - Air,water and soil pollution, [61500] Pelecypoda, [61500] Pelecypoda,Mollusca,Invertebrata,Animalia [06704] Vibrionaceae,Facultatively Anaerobic Gram-Negative Rods,Eubacteria,Bacteria,Microorganisms, [64026] Invertebrata: comparative,experimental morphology,physiology and pathology - Mollusca
Relation: 50279.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22862
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22862
2Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Ray SM, Soniat TM, Kortright EV, Robinson L
المساهمون: Journal of Shellfish Research
مصطلحات موضوعية: Dermo Watch Program, disease management, drought conditions, infection levels, salinity, water temperature, Meeting Abstract, Marine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Parasitology, Wildlife Management: Conservation, oyster: commercial species,host,length [Pelecypoda], Perkinsus marinus: parasite [Sporozoa], Pelecypoda: Animals,Invertebrates,Mollusks, Sporozoa: Animals,Invertebrates,Microorganisms,Protozoans, [00512] General biology - Conservation and resource management, [00520] General biology - Symposia,transactions and proceedings, [07502] Ecology: environmental biology - General and methods, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07512] Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography, [07516] Ecology: environmental biology - Wildlife management: aquatic, [35400] Sporozoa, [37056] Public health: epidemiology - Miscellaneous, [60502] Parasitology - General, [61500] Pelecypoda, [61500] Pelecypoda,Mollusca,Invertebrata,Animalia [35400] Sporozoa,Protozoa,Invertebrata,Animalia, [64002] Invertebrata: comparative,experimental morphology,physiology and pathology - Protozoa, [64026] Invertebrata: comparative,experimental morphology,physiology and pathology - Mollusca
Relation: 50304.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22874
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22874
3Academic Journal
المساهمون: Gulf & Caribbean Research
مصطلحات موضوعية: bay, habitat use, post-settlement patterns, remote tidal creek, saltmarsh shorelines, tidal pass, Behavior, Estuarine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Cynoscion nebulosus: spotted seatrout [Osteichthyes], Micropogonias undulatus: Atlantic croaker [Osteichthyes], Sciaenops ocellatus: red drum [Osteichthyes], Osteichthyes: Animals,Chordates,Fish,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Vertebrates, [07002] Behavioral biology - General and comparative behavior, [07003] Behavioral biology - Animal behavior, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07510] Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography and limnology, [85206] Osteichthyes, [85206] Osteichthyes,Pisces,Vertebrata,Chordata,Animalia
Relation: 50258.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22853
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22853
4Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Minello TJ
المساهمون: Wetlands Ecology & Management
مصطلحات موضوعية: animal: epifauna,nekton [Animalia], crustacean [Crustacea], Littoraria irrorata [Gastropoda], Callinectes sapidus: blue crab,juvenile [Malacostraca], Clibanarius vittatus: thinstripe hermit crab [Malacostraca], grass shrimp [Malacostraca], penaeid shrim, Animalia: Animals, Crustacea: Animals,Arthropods,Crustaceans,Invertebrates, Gastropoda: Animals,Invertebrates,Mollusks, Malacostraca: Animals,Arthropods,Crustaceans,Invertebrates, Osteichthyes: Animals,Chordates,Fish,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Verte, Conservation, Marine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, dredged material marsh, habitat development rate, salt marsh, species density, temporal development, [00512] General biology - Conservation and resource management, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07512] Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography, [33000] Animalia, [33000] Animalia,Animalia [75100] Crustacea,Arthropoda,Invertebrata,Animalia [61200] Gastropoda,Mollusca,Invertebrata,Animalia [75112] Malacostraca,Crustacea,Arthropoda,Invertebrata,Animalia [85206] Osteichthyes,Pisces,Vertebrata,Chordata,A, [61200] Gastropoda, [64026] Invertebrata: comparative,experimental morphology,physiology and pathology - Mollusca, [64054] Invertebrata:comparative,experimental morphology,physiology and pathology - Arthropoda: crustacea, [75100] Crustacea, [75112] Malacostraca, [85206] Osteichthyes
Relation: 50288.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22866
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22866
5Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Telfair RC, McCrimmon DA, Fryska ST
المساهمون: Waterbirds
مصطلحات موضوعية: Bubulcus ibis: cattle egret [Ciconiiformes], Ciconiiformes: Animals,Birds,Chordates,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Vertebrates, nest-site availability, population dynamics, population growth, range expansion, Population Studies, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [37001] Public health - General and miscellaneous, [85520] Ciconiiformes, [85520] Ciconiiformes,Aves,Vertebrata,Chordata,Animalia
Relation: 50327.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22886
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22886
6Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Wilson-Ormond EA, Powell EN, Ray SM
المساهمون: Marine Ecology
مصطلحات موضوعية: Crassostrea virginica [Pelecypoda], Ecology: Environmental Sciences, Marine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Nutrition, Physiology, FEEDING, FOOD AVAILABILITY, MARINE ECOLOGY, WATER FLOW, Pelecypoda: Animals,Invertebrates,Mollusks, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07512] Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography, [12100] Movement, [13202] Nutrition - General studies,nutritional status and methods, [61500] Pelecypoda, [61500] Pelecypoda,Mollusca,Invertebrata,Animalia, [64026] Invertebrata: comparative,experimental morphology,physiology and pathology - Mollusca
Relation: 50342.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22891
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22891
7Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Hubbs C, Marsh-Matthews E, Matthews WJ, Anderson AA
المساهمون: Texas Journal of Science
مصطلحات موضوعية: assemblage composition, fish assemblage, species turnover, stream: habitat, Biodiversity, fish [Pisces], Pisces: Animals,Chordates,Fish,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Vertebrates, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07514] Ecology: environmental biology - Limnology, [62510] Chordata: general and systematic - Pisces, [85200] Pisces, [85200] Pisces,Vertebrata,Chordata,Animalia
Relation: 50267.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22857
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22857
8Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Anderson AA, Hubbs C, Winemiller KO, Edwards RJ
المساهمون: Southwestern Naturalist
مصطلحات موضوعية: Biogeography: Population Studies, Conservation, Ecology: Environmental Sciences, Freshwater Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Systematics and Taxonomy, ENDANGERED SPECIES, EUTROPHICATION, EXOTIC SPECIES, EXTINCTION, Pisces [Pisces], Pisces: Animals,Chordates,Fish,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Vertebrates, [00512] General biology - Conservation and resource management, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07514] Ecology: environmental biology - Limnology, [62510] Chordata: general and systematic - Pisces, [62800] Animal distribution, [85200] Pisces, [85200] Pisces,Vertebrata,Chordata,Animalia
Relation: 50223.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22835
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22835
9Academic Journal
المساهمون: Wetlands
مصطلحات موضوعية: Anseriformes: Animals,Birds,Chordates,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Vertebrates, Aves: Animals,Birds,Chordates,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Vertebrates, Hydrocharitaceae: Angiosperms,Monocots,Plants,Spermatophytes,Vascular Plants, Monocotyledones: Angiosperms, Aythya americana [Anseriformes], Aves [Aves], Halophila engelmannii [Hydrocharitaceae], Thalassia testudinum [Hydrocharitaceae], Vallisneria americana [Hydrocharitaceae], seagrass [Monocotyledones], Najas guadalupensis [Najadaceae], Ruppia maritima [Potam, BIOMASS, GALVESTON BAY, MATAGORDA BAY, REDHEAD DUCK, SALINITY, SHOREFRONT DEVELOPMENT IMPACT, SPECIES COMPOSITION, WATER CLARITY, WATER DEPTH, WINTERING WATERFOWL, Conservation, Development, Ecology: Environmental Sciences, Estuarine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Physiology, [00512] General biology - Conservation and resource management, [07506] Ecology: environmental biology - Plant, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal
Relation: 50221.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22834
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22834
10Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Baker WB, Matlock GC
المساهمون: Northeast Gulf Science
مصطلحات موضوعية: Climatology: Environmental Sciences, Ecology: Environmental Sciences, Estuarine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Marine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Biology: Computational Biology, Nutrition, Reproductive System: Reprodu, Cynoscion nebulosus [Osteichthyes], ESTUARINE POPULATION, FEEDING, GULF OF MEXICO, MATHEMATICAL RELATIONSHIP, MIGRATION PATTERN, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, SEASONALITY, SPAWNING, Osteichthyes: Animals,Chordates,Fish,Nonhuman Vertebrates,Vertebrates, [04500] Mathematical biology and statistical methods, [07504] Ecology: environmental biology - Bioclimatology and biometeorology, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07510] Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography and limnology, [07512] Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography, [12100] Movement, [13202] Nutrition - General studies,nutritional status and methods, [16504] Reproductive system - Physiology and biochemistry, [85206] Osteichthyes, [85206] Osteichthyes,Pisces,Vertebrata,Chordata,Animalia
Relation: 50226.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22838
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22838
11Academic Journal
المؤلفون: Dekshenieks MM, Hofmann EE, Powell EN
المساهمون: Journal of Shellfish Research
مصطلحات موضوعية: APALACHICOLA BAY, CHESAPEAKE BAY, FOOD SUPPLY, GALVESTON BAY, LAGUNA MADRE, LARVAL RECRUITMENT, MATHEMATICAL MODEL, NORTH INLET, POPULATION DYNAMICS, SEASON, TEMPERATURE, Crassostrea virginica [Pelecypoda], Development, Ecology: Environmental Sciences, Estuarine Ecology: Ecology,Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Biology: Computational Biology, Models and Simulations: Computational Biology, Physiology, Wildlife Management: Conservation, Pelecypoda: Animals,Invertebrates,Mollusks, [04500] Mathematical biology and statistical methods, [07504] Ecology: environmental biology - Bioclimatology and biometeorology, [07508] Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, [07510] Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography and limnology, [07516] Ecology: environmental biology - Wildlife management: aquatic, [10515] Biophysics - Biocybernetics, [10614] External effects - Temperature as a primary variable, [23001] Temperature - General measurement and methods, [25502] Development and Embryology - General and descriptive, [25508] Development and Embryology - Morphogenesis
Relation: 50241.00; http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22845
الاتاحة: http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/22845
12Electronic Resource
المصدر: Reuman , D C , Gislason , H , Barnes , C , Melin , F & Jennings , S 2014 , ' The marine diversity spectrum ' , Journal of Animal Ecology , vol. 83 , no. 4 , pp. 963-979 .
مصطلحات الفهرس: body mass, evolutionary process, marine diversity, Vertebrata Chordata Animalia (Animals, Chordates, Fish, Nonhuman Vertebrates, Vertebrates) - Pisces [85200] fish common, 01500, Evolution, 04500, Mathematical biology and statistical methods, 07502, Ecology: environmental biology - General and methods, 07508, Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, 07512, Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography, 10515, Biophysics - Biocybernetics, Computational Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, global empirical analysis mathematical and computer techniques, mechanistic model mathematical and computer techniques, Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation, Marine Ecology, Models and Simulations, ECOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, BODY-SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS, METABOLIC-RATE, FOOD WEBS, NATURAL MORTALITY, GLOBAL DIVERSITY, MOLECULAR CLOCK, REGIONAL SCALES, CLIMATE-CHANGE, FISH, TEMPERATURE, biodiversity, community, neutral theory, power law, size spectrum, MARINE ecology, dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/climate_action; name=SDG 13 - Climate Action, dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/life_below_water; name=SDG 14 - Life Below Water, article
13Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Skov, Christian, Jepsen, Niels, Baktoft, Henrik, Jansen, Teunis, Pedersen, Stig, Koed, Anders
المصدر: Skov , C , Jepsen , N , Baktoft , H , Jansen , T , Pedersen , S & Koed , A 2014 , ' Cormorant predation on PIT-tagged lake fish ' , Journal of Limnology , vol. 73 , no. 1 , pp. 177-186 .
مصطلحات الفهرس: Lake Viborg Denmark, Europe Palearctic region, Passive Integrated Transponder, recreational angling, species annual predation rate, species ecosystem function, species mortality, species trophic interaction, Aves Vertebrata Chordata Animalia (Animals, Birds, Chordates, Nonhuman Vertebrates, Vertebrates) - Pelecaniformes [85550] cormorant common, Pisces Vertebrata Chordata Animalia (Animals, Chordates, Fish, Nonhuman Vertebrates, Vertebrates) - Osteichthyes [85206] Perca fluviatilis species perch common Rutilus rutilus species roach common Abramis brama species common bream common, 07508, Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, 07514, Ecology: environmental biology - Limnology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Freshwater Ecology, LIMNOLOGY, PERCH PERCA-FLUVIATILIS, PHALACROCORAX-CARBO-SINENSIS, POPULATION-DYNAMICS, GREAT CORMORANTS, YELLOW PERCH, ESTUARY, STOCKS, RIVER, SIZE, DIET, avian predation, Perca fluviatilis, Abramis brama, Rutilus rutilus, PIT tags, mortality, dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/life_on_land; name=SDG 15 - Life on Land, article
14Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Palacz, A. P., Chai, F.
المصدر: Palacz , A P & Chai , F 2012 , ' Spatial and temporal variability in nutrients and carbon uptake during 2004 and 2005 in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean ' , Biogeosciences , vol. 9 , no. 11 , pp. 4369-4383 .
مصطلحات الفهرس: Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean, biological productivity, equatorial biocomplexity, global carbon budget, nutrient uptake, nutrient variability, seasonal change, Animalia (Animals) - Animalia [33000] zooplankton common, Plantae (Algae, Microorganisms, Nonvascular Plants, Plants) - Algae [13000] phytoplankton common, carbon 7440-44-0, chlorophyll, iron 7439-89-6, nitrite 14797-65-0, silicic acid 10193-36-9, silicon 7440-21-3, 04500, Mathematical biology and statistical methods, 07504, Ecology: environmental biology - Bioclimatology and biometeorology, 07506, Ecology: environmental biology - Plant, 07508, Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, 07512, Ecology: environmental biology - Oceanography, 10060, Biochemistry studies - General, 10064, Biochemistry studies - Proteins, peptides and amino acids, 10069, Biochemistry studies - Minerals, 10515, Biophysics - Biocybernetics, Computational Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences, remote sensing applied and field techniques, ROMS-CoSiNE model mathematical and computer techniques, Climatology, Marine Ecology, Models and Simulations, dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/climate_action; name=SDG 13 - Climate Action, dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/life_below_water; name=SDG 14 - Life Below Water, article
15Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Brodersen, Jakob, Bronmark, Christer, Skov, Christian, Nilsson, P. Anders, Hansson, Lars-Anders
المصدر: Brodersen , J , Bronmark , C , Skov , C , Nilsson , P A & Hansson , L-A 2007 , ' Seasonal migration in cyprinid fish: Causes and consequences ' , Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts .
مصطلحات الفهرس: potential growth rate, predation rate, seasonal migration, Animalia (Animals) - Animalia [33000] zooplankton common, Pisces Vertebrata Chordata Animalia (Animals, Chordates, Fish, Nonhuman Vertebrates, Vertebrates) - Osteichthyes [85206] perch common cyprinid common roach common pike common silver bream common, 00520, General biology - Symposia, transactions and proceedings, 07002, Behavioral biology - General and comparative behavior, 07003, Behavioral biology - Animal behavior, 07504, Ecology: environmental biology - Bioclimatology and biometeorology, 07508, Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, 07514, Ecology: environmental biology - Limnology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Behavior, Climatology, Freshwater Ecology, conferenceObject
16Electronic Resource
المؤلفون: Kristjansson, Magnus M., Nielsen, Henrik Hauch
المصدر: Kristjansson , M M & Nielsen , H H 1992 , ' Purification and characterization of two chymotrypsin-like proteases from the pyloric caeca of rainbow trout oncorhynchus-mykiss ' , Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology , vol. 101 , no. 1-2 , pp. 247-253 .
مصطلحات الفهرس: Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Calcium, Caseins, Catalysis, Cattle, Chromatography, Gel, Chymotrypsin, Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel, Enzyme Stability, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Intestines, Molecular Sequence Data, Salmon, Serine Endopeptidases, Serine Proteinase Inhibitors, Temperature, EC 3.4.21.- Serine Endopeptidases, EC Chymotrypsin, SY7Q814VUP Calcium, DIAMMONIUM SULFATE FRACTIONATION ION-EXCHANGE CHROMATOGRAPHY HYDROPHOBIC INTERACTION CHROMATOGRAPHY THERMOREGULATION, Pisces Vertebrata Chordata Animalia (Animals, Chordates, Fish, Nonhuman Vertebrates, Vertebrates) - Osteichthyes [85206], 9014-01-1D: PROTEASES7783-20-2: DIAMMONIUM SULFATE, 07508, Ecology: environmental biology - Animal, 10062, Biochemistry studies - Nucleic acids, purines and pyrimidines, 10802, Enzymes - General and comparative studies: coenzymes, 10804, Enzymes - Methods, 10806, Enzymes - Chemical and physical, 14004, Digestive system - Physiology and biochemistry, 23012, Temperature - Thermoregulation, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Environmental Sciences, Ingestion and Assimilation, Digestive System, Ecology, Enzymology, Physiology, article