Pharmacology : a handbook for complementary healthcare professionals /
Principles of clinical pharmacology /
Medical pharmacology at a glance /
Focus on pharmacology : essentials for health professionals /
Pharmacology /
Pharmacology : a nursing process approach /
Pharmacology for Nurses and Allied Professions /
Pharmacology : an introduction /
Pharmacology : Flash Cards /
Pharmacology : an illustrated review /
Principles of pharmacology : the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy /
Pharmacology for rehabilitation professionals /
Pharmacology condensed /
Basic principles of pharmacology with dental hygiene applications /
Pharmacology and therapeutics : principles to practice /
Basic & clinical pharmacology /
Rang and Dales Pharmacology Flashcards/
Rang & Dale's pharmacology /
Applied pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics : principles of therapeutic drug monitoring /
Drug information handbook for dentistry /
Drug information handbook with international trade names index.
Further essentials of pharmacology for nurses /
Integrated pharmacology /
Introduction to the pharmaceutical sciences : an integrated approach /
Introduction to the pharmaceutical sciences /
British national formulary.
Applied therapeutics : the clinical use of drugs /
Clinical drug data /
Basic concepts in pharmacology : a student's survival guide /
Biochemistry for the pharmaceutical sciences /
Brody's human pharmacology : molecular to clinical /
Deja review.
Pharmacology and drug administration for imaging technologists /
pharmacology : principles and applications : a worktext for allied health professionals /