Dental care of the medically complex patient /
Dental hygiene : theory and practice /
Medical management of the surgical patient : a textbook of perioperative medicine \
Medical emergencies in the dental office /
Scully's medical problems in dentistry /
Modern dental assisting /
Implants in qualitatively compromised bone /
Risk management in general dental practice /
Medical quality management : theory and practice /
Dental materials and their selection /
Dental caries : the disease and its clinical management /
Dental materials : properties and manipulation /
The dental hygienist's guide to nutritional care /
Child taming : how to manage children in dental practice /
Managing dental trauma in practice /
Communicating in dental practice : stress-free dentistry and improved patient care /
Dental materials in operative dentistry /
Dental biomaterials /
Essentials of Dental Materials/
How the Tooth Mouse met the Tooth Fairy /
Dental management of the medically compromised patient /
Maxillofacial rehabilitation : prosthodontic and surgical considerations Management of Cancer - Related , Acqured and Congenital Defects of the Head and Neck /
McDonald's and Avery's dentistry for the child and adolescent /
Orthodontic management of uncrowded class II division 1 malocclusion in children /
Special care dentistry /
Teeth for life for older adults /