Manual of surgical pathology /
Sternberg's diagnostic surgical pathology /
Rosai and Ackerman's surgical pathology /
Swearingen's manual of medical-surgical nursing : a care planning resource /
Fundamentals of surgical pathology : grossing techniques, gross pearls, microscopy pearls: aids in diagnosis, synoptic reporting and minimum data sets /
pathology at a glance /
Diagnostic criteria handbook in histopathology : a surgical pathology vade mecum /
Oral medicine and pathology at a glance /
Diagnostic surgical pathology of the head and neck /
The Mont Reid surgical handbook /
Robbins and Cotran review of pathology
Clinician's guide to surgical care /
Surgical manual of implant dentistry : step-by-step procedures /
Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests /
Lippincott manual of nursing practice/
Lippincott manual of nursing practice.
Autopsy pathology : a manual and atlas /
The trauma manual : trauma and acute care surgery /
Manual of neonatal care /
Orell & Sterrett's fine needle aspiration cytology /
Applied basic science for basic surgical training /