MRI : basic principles and applications /
Clinical MRI of the abdomen Why, How, When /
MRI : the basics /
Handbook of functional MRI data analysis /
MRI made easy /
Step by Step MRI /
Clinical MR imaging : a practical approach /
Normal MRI anatomy from head to toe /
Handbook of MRI technique /
Fundamentals of body MRI /
Breast MRI : fundamentals and technical aspects /
Body MR imaging at 3 Tesla /
Practical guide to abdominal and pelvic MRI /
Real whole-body MRI : b requirements, indications, perspectives /
Computed body tomography with MRI correlation /
Breast imaging /
CT and MRI of the whole body /
MRI from A to Z : a definitive guide for medical professionals /
Brain imaging /
Fetal and neonatal neurology and neurosurgery /
Death be not proud /
Atlas of pediatric brain tumors /
the Brain An Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy /
Essentials of the human brain /
Youth sports concussions /
Susceptibility weighted imaging in MRI : basic concepts and clinical applications /
Noninvasive cerebrovascular diagnosis /
Stroke II : Imaging Techniques and Future Directions /
Surgical management of cerebrovascular disease /