Current clinical medicine : online + print /
Essentials of Kumar & Clark's clinical medicine /
Emergency medicine handbook : critical concepts for clinical practice /
Oxford handbook of acute medicine for PDAs
Oxford Hand Book Clinical medicine /
Harrison's manual of medicine /
Medicine at a glance /
Kumar & Clark's clinical medicine /
Clinical clerkships : the answer book /
Pocket medicine /
Rosen & Barkin's 5-minute emergency medicine consult /
Current Essentials of Medicine /
Emergency medicine on call /
Parkland manual of in-patient medicine : an evidence-based approach /
Davidson's clinical cases /
Oxford handbook of emergencies in clinical radiology /
Oxford handbook of clinical specialties /
Handbook of avian medicine /
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil essentials of medicine /
Examination Medicine : aguide to Physician Training /
Goldman's Cecil medicine /
Acute clinical medicine /
Davidson's essentials of medicine /
Davidson's principles and practice of medicine.
Internal medicine : an illustrated radiological guide
Harrison's principles of internal medicine /
Harrison's principles of internal medicine / editors, Anthony S. Fauci ... [et al.].
Textbook of medicine /
The Washington manual internship survival guide /
General medicine /
Internal medicine /
The Johns Hopkins internal medicine board review 2010-2011 : certification and recertification /
Emergency radiology : case review /
Emergency radiology /
Abdominal emergencies /
Accident & emergency radiology : a survival guide /
Medical emergencies in the dental office /
What if . . . ? : survival guide for physicians /
Emergency radiology : Case Studies /
Mosby's paramedic textbook /