Object-oriented software engineering /
Object-oriented software construction /
Object-oriented software engineering : Practical software development using UML and Java /
Growing object-oriented software, guided by tests /
Software engineering : a practitioner's approach /
Software test engineering with IBM Rational functional tester : the definitive resource /
Software engineering /
Quality software project management /
Software security engineering : a guide for project managers /
Design patterns : elements of reusable object-oriented software /
Software engineering : theory and practice /
Design patterns explained : a new perspective on object-oriented design /
Advances in software engineering : international conference, ASEA 2010, held as part of the future generation information technology conference, FGIT 2010, Jeju Island, korea, December 13-15, 2010. proceedings /
Object-oriented modeling and design with UML /
Facts and fallacies of software engineering /
Design of enterprise systems : theory, architecture, and methods /1
Using UML : software engineering with objects and components /
The design of design : essays from a computer scientist /
Web engineering : a practitioner's approach /
Software engineering for Internet applications /
Project-based software engineering : an object-oriented approach /
Systems development : a project management approach /
Design patterns for dummies /
Applying UML and patterns: an introduction to object-oriented analysis and design and iterative development/
UML distilled : a brief guide to the standard object modeling language /
UML 2 and the unified process : practical object-oriented analysis and design /
Analysis patterns : reusable object models /
Object design : roles, responsibilities, and collaborations /
Systems analysis and design and the transition to objects /