Grammaire de la langue Persane /
Expose des elements de la grammaire assyrienne /
Etudes de grammaire Pehlavie /
Grammaire de la langue Zende /
Grammaire de la langue Turque : dialecte Osmanli /
Manuel de langue Armenienne : Armenien occidental moderne /
The English class : classe de quatrième, 3e année /
Manuel de la langue de l'Avesta : Grammaire, anthologie, léxique /
Manuel du Pehlevi des livres religieux et historiques de la Perse : Grammaire, anthologie, lexique /
Exercices Francais calques sur les principes de la grammaire selon l'Academie /
Grammatik der Parsisprache nebst sprachproben /
English grammar: speech & styles /
English Grammar for Health Professions /
An introductory English grammar /
German : made simple /
A university grammar of English /
Art of English conversation: speak English fluently/
A grammar book for you and I-- oops, me : all the grammar you need to succeed in life /
Language : an introduction to the study of speech /
Efficient English teaching: methods, lesson format, evaluation/
Grammaire Armenienne /
CliffsQuickReview Spanish II /
Focus on grammar : an integrated skills approach.
Understanding and Using English grammar : Teachers Guide /
English Grammar in Use : A Reference and Practice book for Intermediate Students of English /
Basic grammar in use : reference and practice for students of English /
Interactions 2.
Interactions 1.
Interactions 1 :
Introduction to academic writing /
Intermediate French /
Intermediate Spanish /
Intermediate English /
Intermediate Arabic /
An introduction to the grammar of English /
Advanced German /
Advanced English /
Advanced Arabic /
Effective English A Boon for Learners /