Tooth whitening : indications and outcomes of nightguard vital bleaching /
Fundamentals of esthetics /
Solutions for dental esthetics : the natural look /
Aesthetic dentistry /
Esthetic clinical case studies : dilemmas and solutions /
Esthetic rehabilitation in fixed prosthodontics /
Precision in dental esthetics: clinical and laboratory procedures/
Principles of esthetic integration /
Nothing but the tooth : a dental odyssey /
Bleaching techniques in restorative dentistry : an illustrated guide /
Contemporary esthetic dentistry /
Metal-free esthetic restorations: Procera concept/
Tooth extraction : a practical guide /
Immediate function & esthetics in implant dentistry /
Esthetics with resin composite : basics and techniques/
How the Tooth Mouse met the Tooth Fairy /
Comprehensive dentistry /
The art of the smile : integrating prosthodontics, orthodontics, periodontics, dental technology and plastic surgery in esthetic dental treatment /
Guidelines for adhesive dentistry : the key to success /
Tooth whitening in esthetic dentistry/