Oral laser application /
Master dentistry /
Lasers and lights /
Principles and practice of pain medicine /
Lasers and non-surgical rejuvenation /
Advanced operative dentistry : a practical approach /
Dentistry, dental practice, and the community /
Contemporary esthetic dentistry /
Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry /
Principles and Practice of Therapeutic Massage /
Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing /
Evidence-based dentistry : managing information for better practice /
Principles and practice of radiation therapy /
Schwartz's principles of surgery /
Management: b Principles and Practices/
Comprehensive dentistry /
Principles of esthetic integration /
Principles and Practice of Pedodontics /
Practical principles of cytopathology /
Principles and practice of surgery /
Principles and practice of laser dentistry /
Carranza's clinical periodontology /
Illustrated lecture notes in oral & maxillofacial surgery /
Oral and maxillofacial surgery secrets /
Cosmetic surgery for the oral and maxillofacial surgeon /