Dictionnaire de Geologe : Francais-Anglais-Arabe /
Dictionnaire des concepts sociologiques : francais - Anglais - Arabe /
Dictionnaire pedagogique : Francais-Arabe = معجم التربية و التعليم : فرنسي-عربي /
Lexique des termes juridiques en quatre languages = Dictionary of legal terms in four languages = Dizionario dei termini giuridici in quattro lingue /
Physical chemistry terms: English Arabic/
The unified dictionary of vocational and technical terms : printing - electricity (English, French- Arabic) /
Vocabulaire philosophique I : Français-Arabe/
Glossary of terms : 1- Irrigation and drainage; 2- Soil science : English- Arabic/
Unified dictionary of geographical terms : English- French- Arabic /
Almoshiageh's technical dictionary of agricultural and environmental terms : English - Arabic /
Quelaues materiaux pour un dictionnaire etymologique de la langue Turque /
Lexicon of physics = Lexique de physique: English- French- Arabic/
Animal hasbrndry : English- Arabic/
Dictionary of Biology : English-French-Arabic /
The unified dictionary of human sciences terms: philosophy, sociology and anthropology, education (English, French- Arabic)/ Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization, Bureau of Coordination of Arabization
English and Arabic vocabulary /
Lexicon of mathematics = lexique de mathematique : English - French - Arabic /
A dictionary of environmental terms : English - Arabic /
Security dictionary : English-Arabic /
Unified dictionary of biology terms = المعجم الموحد لمصطلحات علم الاحياء /
Agrarian crisis in India /
Dictionnaire : Francais - Arabe des terms agricoles /
Le livre l'agriculture d'ibn-Al-Awam : (Kitab Al-Felahah). - كتاب الفلاحة /
Le desert verdoyant [videorecording] = the green desert = الصحراء الخضراء /
Agricultural status and policy development in the Republic of China on Taiwan /
Ankara yuksek ziraat enstitusu dergisi
Dictionary of English Language Abbreviations
English-Spanish, Spanish-English medical dictionary = Diccionario medico, ingles-espanol, espanol-ingles /
al-Mawrid : qمamمus Inkilمizمi-0Arabمi /
The American heritage college dictionary.
Chambers English dictionary /
Arabic-English and English-Arabic dictionary /
Dictionary of new words/
A dictionary of linguistics /
1800 Stamps of the world /
A critical pronouncing dictionary, and expositor of the English language /
Dictionary of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /
Jaypees Nurses Dictionary /
Longman illustrated dictionary of biology /
A-Z of haematology /
The visual dictionary of graphic design /
Elhamalawy's glossary for managerial, accounting and economic sciences : English-Arabic /
The pocket Devil's dictionary
Sozcuklerin Oykusu /