Geriatric medicine /
Clinics in sports medicine : Imaging of upper extremities /
Geriatric rehabilitation /
Hazzard's geriatric medicine and gerontology.
Principles of Geriatric medicine and gerontology /
Acute clinical medicine /
Clinics in liver disease /
Geriatric physical therapy /
Vascular medicine : a companion to Braunwald's heart disease /
Clinical manifestations and assessment of respiratory disease /
Clinics in laboratory medicine.
Clinical sports medicine /
Evidence-based geriatric psychiatry /
Current clinical medicine : online + print /
Kumar & Clark's clinical medicine /
Core clinical cases in medicine and surgery : a problem-solving approach /
Pain medicine : the requisites in anesthesiology /
PET clinics
Geriatric Nursing /
Clinics in geriatric medicine : Thromboembolic disease and antithrombotic agents in the elderly