Professional software testing with Visual Studio 2005 team system : tools for software developers and test engineers /
Software testing /
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 unleashed /
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 unleashed /
WPF in action with Visual Studio 2008 : covers Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and .Net 3.5 SP1 /
Visual Studio tools for Office 2007 : VSTO for Excel, Word, and Outlook /
Software testing foundations : a study guide for the certified tester exam : foundation level, ISTQB compliant /
Software testing and analysis : process, principles, and techniques /
تعلم Visual studio 2010 /
Working with Microsoft Visual studio 2005 team system /
Programming in Visual Basic 2010 /
Growing object-oriented software, guided by tests /
Advanced software testing : guide to the ISTQB advanced certification as an advanced test manager /
البرمجة باستخدام Microsoft visual studio 2010 : خطوة .. خطوة /
Software test engineering with IBM Rational functional tester : the definitive resource /
Next generation Java testing : TestNG and advanced concepts /
Managing projects with microsoft visual studio 2005 team system /
Software build systems : principles and experience /
GO! with Microsoft Excel 2010:
Microsoft Visual Basic Net : step by step /
Design patterns for dummies /
Essential CVS /
Dynamics of software development /
Professional Community Server /
The Mac Xcode 2 book /
The art of software security assessment : identifying and preventing software vulnerabilities /
Code complete : a practical handbook of software construction /
Faster smarter PCs : take charge of your computer faster, smarter, better! /
A+ guide to software : managing, maintaining, and troubleshooting /
Computer concepts : illustrated Introdutory Enhanced /
An introduction to design patterns in C++ with Qt /
Managing software development projects : formula for success /
Metrics and models in software quality engineering /
New perspectives computer concepts 2012 Comprehensive /
Personal computing demystified /
UML distilled : a brief guide to the standard object modeling language /
The unified modeling language user guide /
UML 2 and the unified process : practical object-oriented analysis and design /
Software testing with Visual studio 2010 /