The encyclopedia of Romantic literature /
Twentieth Century English Novelists : The Trend Setters /
English literature : a survey for students /
The Oxford illustrated history of English literature /
A brief history of English literature /
A History of English Literature/
Diversions and Distractions in English Literature /
Halit Ziya Usakligil : Romanciligi ve Romanimizdaki Yeri /
Critical encounters in Secondary English : teaching literary theory to adolescents /
Yaban Ordegi /
La ville source d'inspiration : Le Caire, Khartoum, Beyrouth, Paola Scala chez quelques ecrivains Arabes contemporains /
Ali Nihad Tarlan : Hayati ve Eserleri /
Reassessing British Literature /
A writer's reference /
Textes et litterature. [Recueil de morceaux choisis,
L'Allumeur de reverberes /
Ornekli Turk Edebiyati Tarihi : (Baslangicindan 15.Y.Y. Ortalarina Kadar) /
Acili Toprak : (Oyun- iki bolum) /
Baris Kervani /
The art of literary research /
John Milton his poetry and life: special references to paradise lost/
English romantic writers /
William Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra/
Research methods for English studies /
How to read Chinese poetry : a guided anthology /
How to read a poem /
Aspects of the novel /
Spanish literature : a very short introduction /
Beowulf : a prose translation : backgrounds and contexts, criticism /
Theory of literature /
The art of translation /
What is world literature? /
The origins of American literary studies : an institutional history /
Globalectics : theory and the politics of knowing /
The Routledge concise history of world literature /
True stories behind the songs : a beginning reader /