Report of the seventh session of the controlling the desert locust in the Near East, Rome, 18-22 October 1976 /
Report of the council of FAO, twenty-fourth session, 18-19 June 1956
Report of the fourth inter-African conference on food and nutrition, Doula, Cameroun, 4-13 September 1961 /
At Home In the Fourth Dimension /
Managing and coordinating nursing care /
Villas and courtyard houses of Morocco /
Marvel Of The Desert : The camel in Saudi Arabia /
Le desert verdoyant [videorecording] = the green desert = الصحراء الخضراء /
The African trilogy : Things fall apart ; No longer at ease ; Arrow of God /
Report of the council of FAO, twenty-seventh session, 31 October - 1 November
The desert ibex : life history, ecology and behaviour of the Nubian ibex in Saudi Arabia /
South African economic policy under democracy /
Report of Bahrain to the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, 4th session of the Near East Commission on Agriculture Planning, Baghdad, 23 March - 2 April 1968 /
Journal of North African studies . - Vol. 1, no. 1 (1996) - /
9th session of the conference, 2-23 November 1957 /
Ali sul deserto = wings over the desert : la Missione aeronautica Italiana in Arabia Saudita, 1935-1939 /
Situation economique des stats Africans etde l'Ocean Indien, 1981-
Report of the fourth regional conference for Latin America, Santiago, Chile, 19-30 November 1956 /
Symposium de Haifa = Symposium of Haifa, 19th-26th March 1967 : Artificial recharge and management of aquifers organized in the framework of the International hydrological decade with support of UNESCO /
Records of the general conference : Seventh session /