Pharmaceutical practice /
Sample preparation of pharmaceutical dosage forms : challenges and strategies for sample preparation and extraction /
Pharmaceutical calculations /
Aultons Pharmaceutics : the design and manufacture of medicines /
Ansel's pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems /
Aulton's pharmaceutics : the design and manufacture of medicines /
Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery /
Pharmaceutical compounding and dispensing.
Pharmaceutical care practice /
A practical guide to contemporary pharmacy practice /
Pharmaceutical marketing : principles, environment, and practice /
Pharmaceutical dosage forms. Parenteral medications/
Pharmaceutical capsules /
Pharmaceutics : drug delivery and targeting /
Suppositories /
Pharmaceutical toxicology : safety sciences of drugs /
Biochemistry for the pharmaceutical sciences /
Oxford handbook of practical drug therapy.
Dale and Appelbe's pharmacy law and ethics /
Drug information : a guide for pharmacists /
Further MCQs in pharmacy practice /
Clinical skills for pharmacists : a patient-focused approach /
Comprehensive pharmacy review /
Conducting your pharmacy practice research project : a step-by-step guide /
Clinical pharmacy and therapeutics /
Comprehensive pharmacy review : Practice Exams /
Essentials of human physiology for pharmacy /
Essentials of law and ethics for pharmacy technicians /
Information technology for pharmacists /
Managing pharmacy practice : principles, strategies, and systems /
Lange Q & A pharmacy /
Pharmacy and medical sciences terminology /
Pharmacy practice manual : a guide to the clinical experience /
Physiology case studies in pharmacy /
Understanding pharmacy calculations /
Pharmaceutical practice.
Sterile products and aseptic techniques for the pharmacy technician /
Introduction to pharmaceutical calculations /