Clinical manifestations and assessment of respiratory disease /
Clinical assessment in respiratory care /
Pulmonary manifestations of pediatric diseases /
Clinics in liver disease /
Textbook of respiratory medicine /
Respiratory disease and its management /
Pediatric respiratory medicine /
Cardiovascular/respiratory physiotherapy /
Oxford American handbook of respiratory medicine /
Respiratory care anatomy and physiology : foundations for clinical practice /
Renal disease /
Neonatal and pediatric respiratory care /
Neuromusculoskeletal examination and assessment : a handbook for therapists /
Understanding periodontal diseases : assessment and diagnostic procedures in practice / .
Anesthesia and uncommon diseases /
Common respiratory symptoms and illnesses : a graded evidence-based approach /
Respiratory physiology : the essentials /
Essentials of respiratory care /
Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease /
Bone's atlas of pulmonary medicine /
Handbook of pulmonary and critical care medicine /
Netter's atlas of anatomy for speech, swallowing, and hearing /
Dacie and Lewis practical haematology /
Clinical dermatology : a color guide to diagnosis and therapy /
Clinical hematology atlas /
Dermatopathology /
Clinical ophthalmology A Synopsis /
Diagnostic imaging of musculoskeletal diseases : a systematic approach /
English for Nursing /
Color atlas of dermatology /
Color atlas of common oral diseases /
Exercise and the heart /
Fetal and neonatal neurology and neurosurgery /
Guidelines for pulmonary rehabilitation programs /
Haematology : an illustrated colour text /
Haematology at a glance /
Hematology in clinical practice /
Head and neck pathology : atlas for histologic and cytologic diagnosis /