National Central Library Newsletter. - Vol. 26, no. 3 (1994)- /
Nations and nationalism : Journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity & Nationalism .- vol. 1, no. 1 (1995)- /
The Cambridge illustrated history of China /
Inside China mainland. - Vol. 16 ( 1994 )- /
British national formulary.
Popular culture in libraries
Law among nations : an introduction to public international law/
The Python standard library by example /
Princeton university library chronocle
L'allemagne aux Nations Unies
Agricultural status and policy development in the Republic of China on Taiwan /
The C++ standard library : a tutorial and reference /
the Essential Workbook for Library and Internet Research /
The anarchist in the library : how the clash between freedom and control is hacking the real world and crashing the system /
Libraries of Istanbul : a cross-section of the libraries with related texts & specialized photographs = fotograflarla Istanbul kutuphaneleri : degisik kesitlerden ornekler /
Mastering JSP custom tags and tag libraries /
National libraries and concerted Arab efforts to confront the challenges of electronic heritage | المكتبات الوطنية وتضافر الجهود العربية لمواجهة تحديات التراث الإلكتروني
Glossary of scientific terms in library and information science : English - Arabic /
School Library Media Quarterly .- Vol. 1 (1972)-
Arabic and Persian manuscripts in Khuda Bakhsh Library : vol. 1 : corrections and additions /