Hand surgery /
Surgery of the rheumatoid hand and wrist : Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand /
Principles and practice of surgery /
Hand and upper extremity reconstruction /
Maxillofacial Surgery /
Schwartz's principles of surgery /
Physical therapy of the shoulder /
Atlas of the Hand Clinics /
Principles and practice of radiation therapy /
Current Therapy in Oral and Maxill ofacial Surgery /
Cataract surgery /
Principles of Manual Therapy /
Midface surgery /
Oculoplastic surgery /
Paediatric surgery /
Dermatologic surgery /
Plastic surgery /
Oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Cosmetic surgery for the oral and maxillofacial surgeon /
Operative pediatric surgery /
Arthritis & arthroplasty.
Principles of hand surgery and therapy /
Current Diagnosis & Treatment surgery /
Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Hemodynamic monitoring in the diagnosis and management of heart failure /
Essential otolaryngology : head & neck surgery /
Fractures of the mandibular condyle : basic considerations and treatment /
Fetal and neonatal neurology and neurosurgery /
Foot and ankle clinics : Orthobiologics /
Head and neck reconstruction /
Key topics in surgical research and methodology /
Maxillofacial trauma & esthetic facial reconstruction /
Blepharoplasty /
Facial rejuvenation with fillers /
The Washington Manual of Surgery /
Current surgical therapy /
Clinical maxillofacial prosthetics /
Clinical success in management of advanced periodontitis /
Clinical success in impacted third molar extraction / .
Glaucoma /
Color atlas of cosmetic oculofacial surgery /