Quality and safety in pharmacy practice /
Nursing pathways for patient safety /
The practice of patient education : a case study approach /
Patient care in radiography : with an introduction to medical imaging /
Radiation safety in nuclear medicine /
Patient & person : interpersonal skills in nursing /
Nanotechnology safety /
ASTNA patient transport : principles and practice /
Fundamental principles of occupational health and safety /
Introduction to radiologic sciences and patient care /
Industrial safety and health management /
Human behavior in hazardous situations : best practice safety management in the chemical and process industries /
Oxford handbook of urology /
Perioperative issues for surgeons : improving patient safety and outcomes /
Patient education in health and illness /
Practical pathology informatics : demystifying informatics for the practicing anatomic pathologist /
Mosby's handbook of patient teaching /
Communicating in dental practice : stress-free dentistry and improved patient care /
Infection control and management of hazardous materials for the dental team /
Practical patient safety /
Guidelines for pulmonary rehabilitation programs /
Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system : foundations for rehabilitation /
Death be not proud /
A manual therapist's guide to movement : teaching motor skills to the orthopaedic patient /
Essential psychology for nurses and other health professionals /
Management of common musculoskeletal disorders : physical therapy principles and methods /
Maxillofacial rehabilitation : prosthodontic and surgical considerations Management of Cancer - Related , Acqured and Congenital Defects of the Head and Neck /
Neuromuscular essentials : applying the preferred physical therapist practice patterns /
Neurorehabilitation in Parkinson's disease : an evidence-based treatment model /
Oncoplastic surgery of the breast /
Physical therapies in sport and exercise /
Pathology and intervention in musculoskeletal rehabilitation /
Musculoskeletal essentials : applying the preferred physical therapist practice patterns /
Neuroscience : fundamentals for rehabilitation /