Vogel's textbook of quantitative chemical analysis /
Organic chemistry /
A Textbook of Organic chemistry : for B.Sc. I.I.T. Engineering and Medical students /
Organic Chemistry: An Introduction /
Wilson and Gisvold's textbook of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Wilson and Gisvold's textbook of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry/
Organic chemistry Hydrocarbons /
Introduction to organic chemistry /
An Introduction to Organic chemistry /
Practical physical chemistry.
Organic Chemistry : Problem Solving /
Organic chemistry : a brief course /
Organic chemistry : International Student Version /
Fundamentals of organic chemistry/
Elements of organic chemistry/
Vogel's textbook of practical organic chemistry /
Introduction to spectroscopy : a guide for students of organic chemistry/
Basic principles of organic chemistry/
Essentials of modern organic chemistry/
Organic reactions: simplicity and logic/
Introduction to general, organic and biochemistry /
Viva Voce in Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry for B.Pharma D.Pharm & B.Sc Courses /
Advanced organic chemistry : reactions, mechanisms, and structure/