Wireless communications /
Wireless communications and networks /
Wireless communications : principles and practice /
Introduction to wireless systems /
Wireless data demystified /
Wireless Internet telecommunications /
Wireless Communications and Networks 3G and Beyond /
Mobile communications /
Wireless devices end to end /
Fundamentals of Data Communication and Networks /
Modern digital and analog communication systems /
Communication skills for information systems /
Communication systems : an introduction to signals and noise in electrical communication /
Satellite Communication Systems /
Signals, systems and communication
The i-mode wireless ecosystem /
Communication systems /
Wireless programming with J2ME : cracking the code /
Communication skills for the biosciences : a graduate guide /
Communication systems : International Student Version /
J2ME enterprise development /
multimedia concepts : Enhanced Edition lllustrated Intriducation /
Mac OS X unwired : a guide for home, office, and the road /
Mobile telecommunications protocols for data networks /
Optimizing wireless communication systems /