Essentials of oral histology and embryology : a clinical approach /
Oral development and histology /
Ten Cate's oral histology : development, structure, and function. /
Ten Cate's oral histology : development, structure, and function.
Ten Cate's oral histology : development, structure, and function /
Essentials of Oral Biology : Oral Anatomy Histology Physiology & Embryology /
Elsevier's integrated anatomy and embryology /
Histology : an identification manual /
Fundementals of Oral and Dental Anatomy /
Woelfel's dental anatomy : its relevance to dentistry /
Netter's essential histology /
Atlas of functional histology /
Embryology : an illustrated colour text /
McMinn's color atlas of head and neck anatomy.
Oral microbiology /
Lippincott's illustrated Q&A review of anatomy and embryology /
Dental anatomy : its relevance to dentistry.
Histology : an illustrated colour text /
Histology : textbook and atlas /
Color atlas of histology /
Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Color atlas of common oral diseases /
Clinical outline of oral pathology : diagnosis and treatment /
Burket's oral medicine /
Anatomy of orofacial structures : a comprehensive approach /
Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Cawson's essentials of oral pathology and oral medicine /
Oral anatomy, histology and embryology /
Oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Essentials in piezosurgery / clinical advantages in dentistry :
Essential microbiology for dentistry /
Mangment of the pediatric maxillofacial patient /
Illustrated lecture notes in oral & maxillofacial surgery /
Operative oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Oral and maxillofacial pathology /
Oral radiology : principles and interpretation /
Oral and maxillofacial surgery secrets /
Pocket atlas of oral diseases /
Oral pathology for the dental hygienist /
Anatomy, physiology, and disease for the health professions /
Atlas of human anatomy /
The dog & cat /
Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology /
Fundamentals of human physiology /
Gray's anatomy review /
Introduction to the Human Body : The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology /
Human anatomy & physiology /
Holes Human antomy & physiology /
Hole's essentials of human anatomy & physiology./
Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses /
Anatomy & Physiology /
Anatomy & physiology /
Nothing but the tooth : a dental odyssey /
ORAL Biology /