Rehabilitation research : principles and applications /
Statistics for health care research : A Practical Workbook /
Munro's statistical methods for health care research /
Pharmacology in rehabilitation /
PROBLEMS IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH : Principles and Solutions /
Doing quantitative research in education with SPSS /
Research methods for clinical therapists : applied project design and analysis /
Guidelines for pulmonary rehabilitation programs /
Essentials of physical medicine and rehabilitation /
Practical manual of physical medicine and rehabilitation /
Nursing Research /
Statistical Tests in Medical Research /
An introduction to research for midwives /
Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students and Research Workers/
Aquatic exercise for rehabilitation and training /
Pharmacology for rehabilitation professionals /
Rehabilitation from the perspective of the athletic trainer/physical therapist /
Research Methodology for Nurses /
Research Methodology in Nursing /
Essentials of Nursing Research /
Handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation : the basics /
PM&R secrets /
Textbook of Rehabilitaion /
Neuroscience : fundamentals for rehabilitation /
Ethics in rehabilitation : a clinical perspective /
Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system : foundations for rehabilitation /
Occupational therapy and mental health /
A manual therapist's guide to movement : teaching motor skills to the orthopaedic patient /
Management of common musculoskeletal disorders : physical therapy principles and methods /
Neuromuscular essentials : applying the preferred physical therapist practice patterns /
Neurorehabilitation in Parkinson's disease : an evidence-based treatment model /
Oncoplastic surgery of the breast /
Physical therapies in sport and exercise /
Pathology and intervention in musculoskeletal rehabilitation /
Pedretti's occupational therapy : practice skills for physical dysfunction /
Geriatric rehabilitation manual /
Geriatric rehabilitation /
Musculoskeletal essentials : applying the preferred physical therapist practice patterns /