Pocket Emergency medicine /
Clinical Casea in Anesthesia /
Miller's anesthesia /
Foundations of anesthesia : basic sciences for clinical practice /
Handbook of nurse anesthesia /
Equine anesthesia : monitoring and emergency therapy /
Geriatric anesthesia /
Chestnut's obstetric anesthesia : principles and practice /
Ambulatory anesthesia : The requidites in anesthesiology /
Handbook of local anesthesia /
Anesthesia and uncommon diseases /
Obstetric and gynecologic anesthesia /
Spinal and epidural anesthesia /
Pocket neurology /
Pocket medicine /
Pocket Clinical Examination /
Pocket guide to nutritional assessment and care /
Manual of local anesthesia in dentistry /
Pocket essentials of psychiatry /
Pocket guide to radiography /
Anesthesiology /
Perioperative drug manual /
Textbook of anaesthesia /
Anethesiology clinics of North America : Pediatric anesthesiology /
Clinical anesthesiology /
Pocket Anesthesia /