Oracle application server 10g essentials /
Developing Java software /
Professional Oracle programming /
Oracle in a nutshell /
Software build systems : principles and experience /
Dynamics of software development /
An embedded software primer /
Oracle database 11g : the complete reference /
Oracle database 10g : the complete reference /
Software engineering for Internet applications /
Oracle9iAS Portal bible /
Windows presentation foundation unleashed /
Scaling software agility : best practices for large enterprises /
Quality software project management /
Beginning Oracle Database 11g administration : from novice to professional /
Managing software development projects : formula for success /
Oracle9i for Windows handbook /
The software vulnerability guide /
Software engineering /
The language of SQL /
OCA/OCP Oracle database 11g all-in-one exam guide : exams 1Z0-051, 1Z0-052, 1Z0-053 /
Prentice Hall presents Oracle software
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 bible /
Microsoft SQL server 2005 : Applied techniques : step by step /
Professional Jakarta Struts /
Building Web applications with ADO.NET and XML Web services /
Beginning Ajax with ASP .NET /
BEA WebLogic server bible /
Bea WebLogic server 8 for dummies /
ADO.NET : the complete reference /
ADO.NET in a nutshell /
Core Web application development with PHP and MySQL /
ASP.Net 2.0 MVP hacks and tips /
ASP.NET 4.0 programming /
Essential Windows Communication Foundation : for .NET Framework 3.5 /
IntelliJ IDEA in action /
Model-based development : applications /
Programming "Indigo" : code name for the unified framework for building service-oriented applications on the Microsoft Windows platform /
Silverlight 1.0 unleashed /
Windows system programming /
WPF in action with Visual Studio 2008 : covers Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and .Net 3.5 SP1 /
Writing effective use cases /
Beginning Adobe AIR : building applications for the Adobe Integrated Runtime /