Managing engineering and technology : an introduction to management for engineers /
Management in engineering : principles and practice /
New products management /
Business Organisation and Management /
Innovations in industrial and engineering chemistry : a century of achievements and prospects for the new millennium /
Global marketing management : changes, new challenges, and strategies /
Cost analysis and estimating for engineering and management /
Handbook of maintenance management and engineering /
Elements of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics /
Transportation engineering and planning /
Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics /
Modern management : concepts and skills /
Management the New Workplace /
Principles of foundation engineering /
Engineering computations : an introduction using MATLAB and Excel /
Ethics in engineering /
Management information systems : managing the digital firm /
Applied statistics for engineers and physical scientists /
Engineering fundamentals and problem solving /
Applied numerical methods for engineers and scientists /
Engineering management : challenges in the new millennium /
Modern engineering statistics /
Applied physics /
civil estimating and costing : Including Quantity Surveying , Tendering and Valuation /
English for science and engineering /
Experimental methods for engineers /
Metaheuristic applications in structures and infrastructures /
Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists /
Probability & statistics for engineers & scientists
Spreadsheet tools for engineers using Excel 2007 /
Curing the fountainheadache : how architects & their clients communicate /
Electronic commerce /
Electronic commerce 2010 : a managerial perspective /
Maintenance and reliability best practices /
A framework for marketing management /
Management information systems : managing information technology in the business enterprise /
Managing Information Technology Projects /
Marketing management : knowledge and skills /
Construction management : International Student Version /
Management : b Principles and Practices /
Decision support systems and intelligent systems /
Construction methods and planning /
Cruise operations management /
Effective management /
Dental office administration /
Decision support and business intelligence systems /
Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 /