Lab Manual c++ /
Computer Graphics Lab Manual = دليل التجارب في الرسم بالحاسوب /
Simulink Lab Manual = الدليل العلمي في السيمولنيك /
Lab Manual Microsofot Visual C ++ 2008 : Advanced Programming = مختبر فيجوال C++ 2008 /
Computer Interfacing Lab Manual = دليل التجارب العملية في بينية الحاسوب /
Object Oriented Programming LAB /
Computer architecture lab manual = دليل التجارب العملية في معمارية الحاسوب /
XHTML Laboratory Manual /
Java Script Manual = مختبر البرمجة المتقدمة /
Data Strucure and an Introduction to Algorithms Lab Manual دليل التجارب في تراكيب البيانات ومقدمة الخوارزميات /
دليل التجارب في تطبيقات المعالج الدقيق = Microprocessor Applications Lab Manual /
Windows 2000 Server Lab Manual : Cpmputer Engineering Department = مختبر هندسة الحاسوب /
80 × 86 Microprocessors Programming /
The 8088 and 8086 microprocessors : programming, interfacing, software, hardware, and applications : including the 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium processor families /
Lab Manual to Accompany Essential electronics for PC technicians /
Microsoft Visual C++2005 advanced programming = دليل التجارب في vc++2005 /
أنظمة المعالجات = Microprocessor Systems /
Windows system programming /
Software build systems : principles and experience /
Operating system concepts /
Distributed Systems : Concepts and Design /
Ethical and social issues in the information age /
Introduction to DataBase Management /
Handbook of applied cryptography /
Computing essentials 2013 /
Artificial intelligence /
Computer Programming II : Object Oriented Programming With C ++ /
Computing essentials 2006 /
Computing essentials 2004 /
Computing essentials 2010 /
Digital universe : the global telecommunication revolution.
Computer concepts : illustrated Introdutory Enhanced /
Rootkits for dummies /
Computers for Nurses Made Easy /
Network security : private communication in a public world /
The 8086 Microprocessor Systems Lab Manual = دليل التجارب في أنظمة المعالج The 8086 /