Essentials of general surgery /
General reconstructive surgery /
Farquharson's textbook of operative general surgery.
Oxford cases in medicine and surgery /
Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Handbook of perioperative care in general thoracic surgery /
Core clinical cases in medicine and surgery : a problem-solving approach /
Midface surgery /
Hand surgery /
Oculoplastic surgery /
Paediatric surgery /
Dermatologic surgery /
Plastic surgery /
Cataract surgery /
Principles and practice of surgery /
Maxillofacial Surgery /
Oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Operative pediatric surgery /
Fundamentals of orthognathic surgery /
Oto-rhino-laryngology head & neck Surery for medical stuents& General Practitoners /
Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery / Edward S. Cohen.
Bailey & Love's short practice of surgery /
Essential otolaryngology : head & neck surgery /
Maxillofacial trauma & esthetic facial reconstruction /
Clinical maxillofacial prosthetics /
Essential ENT/
Abdominal emergencies /
Atlas of minimally invasive surgery in esophageal carcinoma /
Equine anesthesia : monitoring and emergency therapy /
Complications of gynecologic endoscopic surgery /
Illustrated lecture notes in oral & maxillofacial surgery /
Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment /
Long Cases in General Surgery /
Motion preservation /
Feline orthopedic surgery and musculoskeletal disease /
Phonosurgery /
Periodontal surgery : a clinical atlas /
Surgical approaches to the facial skeleton /
The sinus bone graft /