International business : competing in the global marketplace /
The international business environment /
International Business /
International business : the challenges of globalization /
International business : themes and issues in the modern global economy /
Global business / .
International management : culture, strategy and behavior /
International financial management /
Business and law in Saudi Arabia /
Business essentials /
Microsoft small business kit /
Concepts of Business Management : Principles& Functions of Management /
The global challenge : international human resource management /
The legal environment of business and online commerce : business ethics, e-commerce, regulatory, and international issues /
International finance /
Internal medicine /
Business law : the ethical, global, and e-commerce environment /
Business Letters /
Business concepts for English practice /
International business : environments and operations /
Global marketing management : changes, new challenges, and strategies /
Global economics /
Cooperation economique pour une stabilite regionale /
La Tapla nel labirinto : la XIII edizione delle giornate internazionali di studio = negotiating the labyrinth : the thirteenth international conference /