Glossary of scientific terms in library and information science : English - Arabic /
Physical chemistry terms: English Arabic/
The unified dictionary of human sciences terms: philosophy, sociology and anthropology, education (English, French- Arabic)/ Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization, Bureau of Coordination of Arabization
Unified dictionary of geographical terms : English- French- Arabic /
The unified dictionary of vocational and technical terms : printing - electricity (English, French- Arabic) /
A dictionary of environmental terms : English - Arabic /
Elhamalawy's glossary for managerial, accounting and economic sciences : English-Arabic /
Principles and practice of soil science : the soil as a natural resource /
Animal hasbrndry : English- Arabic/
Unified dictionary of biology terms = المعجم الموحد لمصطلحات علم الاحياء /
A glossary of literary terms /
A Glossary of Chinese Islamic terms /
Almoshiageh's technical dictionary of agricultural and environmental terms : English - Arabic /
The Unified dictionary of renewable energys terms /
Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering/
An introduction to soil dynamics /
Textbook of Soil Chemistry/
Dictionnaire : Francais - Arabe des terms agricoles /
Lexique des termes juridiques en quatre languages = Dictionary of legal terms in four languages = Dizionario dei termini giuridici in quattro lingue /
Soil mechanics and foundations /
Glossary of terms : 1- Irrigation and drainage; 2- Soil science : English- Arabic/