GIS in Water Resources Engineering /
Concepts in enterprise resource planning /
Water-resources engineering /
Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering/
Water : Simplified Web services and XML programming /
A strategy for managing water in the Middle East and North Africa /
Water quality & treatment : a handbook on drinking water /
Evaluation for participation and sustainability in planning /
Human resource development /
Water supply and sewerage/
Handbook of water analysis /
Water and wastewater technology /
Groundwater resources : sustainability, management, and restoration /
Urban planning : theory & practice /
Assessment of Leakage in the riyadh Water Distribution Network /
Water reuse : issues, technologies, and applications /
Water Conservation By Automatic Scheduling Via Soil Moisture Sensors For Center P ivots /
Primciples of Water and Wastewater Treatment /
Treatment planning in dentistry /
Water resources planning /
L'eau base de la vie : programme de l'Arabie Saoudite pour l'approvisionnement en eau des regions rurales des pays du Sahel
Environmental engineering : water, wastewater, soil and groundwater treatment and remediation /