Algebra1 : An Integrated Approach /
Boxer intermediate algebra : A Real-Eorld Approach /
Elementary linear algebra with Applications /
Algebra /
Linear algebra and its applications /
Elementary algebra /
Intermediate algebra /
Abstract algebra /
College algebra : graphs and models.
Basic abstract algebra /
Algebra and trigonometry /
How to solve word problems in algebra : a solved problem approach /
Modern algebra : an introduction /
An invitation to algebraic geometry /
Abstract algebra an introduction /
Elementary linear algebra /
Functions and graphs /
The Maple book /
Algebra1 : integration , applications , Connections /
Graphing calculator manual, Algebra and trigonometry,Graphs and Models and Precalculus Graphs and Models Marvin L. Bittinger, Judith A. Beecher, David Ellenbogen, Judith A. Penna /
College algebra and trigonometry /
College algebra with trigonometry /
Mathematics Applications Concepts : Course 2 /
Modern algebra for undergraduate and postgraduate students /
Precalculus Made Easy /
Algebra and trigonometry : graphs and models /
Problem solving and programming concepts /