Implant dentistry : from failure to success /
Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry.
Immediate function & esthetics in implant dentistry /
Contemporary esthetic dentistry /
Surgical manual of implant dentistry : step-by-step procedures /
The SAC Classification in implant dentistry /
20 years of guided bone regeneration in implant dentistry /
Atlas of tooth- and implant-supported prosthodontics /
Practical implant dentistry : diagnostic, surgical, restorative and technical aspects of aesthetic and functional harmony /
Implants in qualitatively compromised bone /
Fundamentals of operative dentistry : a contemporary approach /
Mini - implants in Orthodontics : Innovative Ancgorage Concepts /
Immediate loading of dental implants : theory and clinical practice /
Peri - implant Infection : Etiology, Diagnosis and Tratment /
Soft tissue and esthetic considerations in implant therapy /
Dental materials in operative dentistry /
Osseointegration in dentistry : an overview.
Oral and implant surgery : principles and procedures /
Nanobiomaterials in clinical dentistry /
Dental biomaterials /
Contemporary implant dentistry /
The Art of Computer - Guied Implantology /
Flapless implantology /
Applications of orthodontic mini implants /
Bone grafting in oral implantology : techniques and clinical applications /
Bone augmentation in oral implantology /
Atlas of oral implantology /
Esthetics in implantology : Strategies for Soft and Hard Tissue Therapy /
Implantology in general dental practice /
Osseointegration : on continuing synergies in surgery, prosthodontics, biomaterials /