Fine needle aspiration cytology /
Fine needle aspiration cytology : Interpretation and Diagnostic Diffculties \
Orell & Sterrett's fine needle aspiration cytology /
Cytology : diagnostic principles and clinical correlates /
Cytology of cancer/
Cytology of Cancer : Cervix postradiation /
Katzenstein and Askin's surgical pathology of non-neoplastic lung disease /
Diagnostic cytology and hematology of the dog and cat.
Contemporary issues in breast cytopathology /
Advanced techniques in diagnostic cellular pathology /
Comprehensive cytopathology /
Effective Editing : Helo Yourself in Becoming A Good Editor /
Practical principles of cytopathology /
Medina research in the modern era between reality and aspiration | بحوث المدينة المنورة في العصر الحديث بين الواقع والتطلع
Principles and Practice of Therapeutic Massage /
Head and neck pathology : atlas for histologic and cytologic diagnosis /
Atlas of neoplastic pulmonary disease : pathology, cytology, endoscopy, and radiology /
العودة إلى مكان مضاء بكوب حليب : مختارات شعرية /
الفروق، أو، أنوار البروق في أنواء الفروق /
Application of Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis : A Textbook for Nurses /
Aspiration Cytology of the Lymoh Node /