Postmodern American poetry : a Norton anthology /
The Norton anthology of poetry /
Literature for Composition : An introduction to literature \
Literature : an introduction to fiction, poetry, drama, and writing /
American hybrid : a Norton anthology of new poetry /
An anthology of Chinese literature : beginnings to 1911 /
The Norton anthology of theory and criticism /
The Norton anthology of short fiction /
Introduction to Literature /
Professing literature : an institutional history /
Philosophy of literature : contemporary and classic readings : an anthology /
Longman basic dictionary of American English /
American Herbal Pharmacopoeia : botanical pharmacognosy--microscopic characterization of botanical medicines /
The making of a poem : a Norton anthology of poetic forms /
The origins of American literary studies : an institutional history /
Diversions and Distractions in English Literature /
The American accent guide : a comprehensive course on the sound system of American English /
Theory of literature /
The event of literature /
The Norton anthology of American literature /
Critical encounters in Secondary English : teaching literary theory to adolescents /
L'Allumeur de reverberes /
Alice au camp des biches /
Death of a salesman /
Corporate governance /
Death of a salesman : With introduction and Summaries/
Bank management & financial services /