Pharmacogenetics in heart failure : how it will shape the future /
Renal disease in heart failure /
Management of heart failure in the emergent situation /
Differentiation, examination and treatment of movement disorders in manual therapy /
Temporoman dibular Disorders : An Evidence - Based Approch to Diagnosis and Treatment /
Movement disorders in childhood /
Movement disorders 4 /
Movement disorders /
Atlas of heart failure : cardiac function and dysfunction /
Therapy of digestive disorders /
Practical fracture treatment /
Current diagnosis & treatment.
The encyclopedia of obesity and eating disorders /
Minimally Invasive Treatment, Arrst, and Control of Periodontal Diseases /
Biological wastewater treatment /
Clinica; Chemistry in Diagnosis and Treatment /
Sleep disorders medicine : basic science, technical considerations, and clinical aspects /
Genomic disorders : the genomic basis of disease /
Chronic myeloid neoplasias and clonal overlap syndromes : epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment options /
Genetic skin disorders /
Avoiding treatment failures in the anxiety disorders /
Bacterial pathogenesis : methods and protocols /