The structural basis of architecture /
Structures /
Building structures illustrated /
Analysis of structures : an introduction including numerical methods /
Introduction to structural mechanics
Eleven Exercises in tge art of architectural Drawing : slow food for the architecs imagination /
Fundamentals of structural analysis /
Structural analysis /
Finite elements in solids and structures : an introduction /
Structural Mechanics /
The function of form /
Form & structure : the organisation of interior space /
Data structures and algorithms in Java /
Structural analysis : a unified classical and matrix approach /
Structural and stress analysis /
Introduction to naval architecture /
Data structures and algorithms /
Crystal structure analysis : a primer \
The Art of Structures : Introduction to the Functioning of Structures in Architecture /
The humanities in architectural design : a contemporary and historical perspective /
Architectural integration and design of solar thermal systems /
Introducing and implementing Autodesk Revit /
Time-saver standards for urban design /
Steel design /