Western philosophy : an anthology /
Philosophy of science : the central issues /
Readings in the philosophy of language /
Modern philosophy : from Descartes to Nietzsche : an anthology /
Philosophy of literature : contemporary and classic readings : an anthology /
50 philosophy ideas you really need to know /
The voyage of discovery : a history of Western philosophy /
The Five Great Philosophies of Life /
Philosophy of film and motion pictures : an anthology /
Du Coran a la philosophie : la langue Arabe et la formation du vocabulaire philosophique de Farabi /
La philosophie Arabe dans l'Europe medievale : des origines a Averroes /
Classical mechanics /
Nursing theorists and their work /
When children love to learn : a practical application of Charlotte Mason's philosophy for today /
Accident & emergency radiology : a survival guide /
Essentials of operations management /
Dictionary of classical and theoretical mathematics /
Engineering design methods : strategies for product design /
Digital multimedia /
Beginning theory : an introduction to literary and cultural theory /
Children, development and education : cultural, historical, anthropological perspectives /
Applied theories in occupational therapy : a practical approach /
Biochmistry and Nutrition for BSc ( Nursing ) /
Fundamental of Nursing Theory /
Mathematics : Applications and Concepts /
An aesthetic education in the era of globalization /
Nursing now : today's issues, tomorrow's trends /
Qualitative research in midwifery and childbirth phenomenological approaches /
Visionary architecture : blueprints of the modern imagination /
Bio - medical Physics for Nurses : ( Based on the Revised Syllabus of Nursing Council of India Bsc Nursing Course ) /
50 big ideas you really need to know /
The event of literature /
Philosophy : the classics /