Perioperative drug manual /
Mosby's dental drug reference /
Diagnosis and management of poisoning /
Clinical drug data /
Oxford handbook of practical drug therapy.
Mosby's Nursing Drug Cards.
A nurse's survival guide to drugs in practice /
Drug interaction facts 2012 : the authority on drug interactions /
Adverse drug interactions : a handbook for prescribers /
Nursing drug interactions handbook.
Davis's drug guide for nurses /
Mosby's 2014 nursing drug reference /.
Nurse's drug handbook 2010 /
Nursing I.V. drug handbook.
Stockley's drug interactions : a sourcebook of adverse interactions, their mechanisms, clinical importance and management /
Stockley's drug interactions : a source book of interactions, their mechanisms, clinical importance and management /
Churchill's pocketbook of toxicology /
Mass spectral and GC data of drugs, poisons, pesticides, pollutants, and their metabolites /
Drug information handbook with international trade names index.
McGraw-Hill Nurse's drug handbook /
An introduction to radiation protection /
Casarett and Doull's toxicology : the basic science of poisons /
Analytical methods for therapeutic drug monitoring and toxicology /
Applications of LC-MS in toxicology /
Herbal products : toxicology and clinical pharmacology /
Pharmacology For Nurse's /
PAccurate Results in the Clinical Laboratory : A Guide Error Detection and Correction /
Poisoning & drug overdose /
Principles and methods of toxicology /
Pharmaceutical toxicology : safety sciences of drugs /
Toxicology recall /
Adverse drug reactions/
Oral and intravenous bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws : history, etiology, prevention, and treatment /
Pharmacology MCQs /