An introduction to the finite element method /
Finite elements in solids and structures : an introduction /
An introduction to genetic engineering /
Introduction to transportation engineering /
The theory of finite groups : an introduction /
Introduction to graphics communications for engineers /
Elements of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics /
The elements of advanced mathematics /
Probability and statistics for engineers and scientists /
A practical guide to boundary element methods with the software library BEMLIB /
Introduction to MATLAB 7 for engineers /
Engineering computations : an introduction using MATLAB and Excel /
How to do everything with Photoshop Elements 2 /
An Introduction to Engineering Physics /
Statistics for engineering and the sciences /
Introduction to environmental engineering / Mackenzie Leo Davis.
Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics /
Finite mathematics : an applied approach /
Introduction to chemical engineering : Tool for Today and Tomorrow /
Applied soil mechanics : with ABAQUS applications /
Introduction to finite elements in engineering /
Inverse engineering handbook /
Advanced mathematics and mechanics applications using MATLAB /
Advanced engineering mathematics /
Applied numerical methods for engineers and scientists /
Engineering mathematics through applications /
Engineering applications of noncommutative harmonic analysis : with emphasis on rotation and motion groups /
Mathematical methods for physics and engineering /
Mathematics for engineers and scientists /
Numerical methods for engineers /
Integral methods in science and engineering : theoretical and practical aspects /
Numerical methods with MATLAB : implementations and applications /
Probability and statistics with reliability, queuing, and computer science applications /
Tensor algebra and tensor analysis for engineers : with applications to continuum mechanics /