Understanding periodontal diseases : assessment and diagnostic procedures in practice / .
Periodontics /
Periodontal surgery : a clinical atlas /
Fundamentals of periodontics /
The periodontic syllabus /
Successful periodontal therapy : a non-surgical approach /
Periodontics and restorative maintenance : a clinical atlas /
Practical oral medicine /
Manual of Clinical Periodontics /
Comprehensive periodontics for the dental hygienist /
Essentials of Clinical Periodontology and Periodontics /
Contemporary periodontal surgery : an illustrated guide to the art behind the science /
Periodontal management of children, adolescents and young adults /
A brief atlas of the human body .
Medicine at a glance /
Minimally Invasive Treatment, Arrst, and Control of Periodontal Diseases /
Anatomy : a regional atlas of the human body /
Magnetism in medicine : a handbook /
Oral medicine and pathology at a glance /
A Review of Preventive and Social Medicine /
History of periodontology /
Carranza's clinical periodontology /
Periodontal medicine : a window on the body /
Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry.
Decision-making for the periodontal team /