Essentials of marketing research /
Essentials of Nursing Research /
Internet research : electronic networking applications & policy . - Vol. 7, no. 1 (1997) -
Essentials of nursing research : bappraising evidence for nursing practice /
Essentials of nursing research : Generating and Assessing evidence for nursing practice /
Statistics for health care research : A Practical Workbook /
What every student should know about researching online /
The Internet gigabook for dummies /
Computer networking and the Internet /
Libraries of Istanbul : a cross-section of the libraries with related texts & specialized photographs = fotograflarla Istanbul kutuphaneleri : degisik kesitlerden ornekler /
Marketing research /
Nursing Research /
Building research tools with Google for dummies /
Wireless Internet telecommunications /
Internet privacy for dummies /
Nursing research : designs and methods /
Marketing research : an applied orientation /
Research methods : the basics /
Fun in fusion research /
the Essential Workbook for Library and Internet Research /