50 ideas you really need to know : economics /
50 mathematical ideas you really need to know /
50 art ideas you really need to know /
50 literature ideas you really need to know /
50 psychology ideas you really need to know /
50 Ideas You Really Need to Know: Universe /
50 philosophy ideas you really need to know /
50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know /
50 big ideas you really need to know /
50 genetics ideas you really need to know /
Digital : 50 ideas you really need to know /
Religion : 50 ideas you really need to know /
World history : 50 key milestones you really need to know /
A grammar book for you and I-- oops, me : all the grammar you need to succeed in life /
Caution! Music & video downloading : what you need to know to enjoy safe music and video downloads /
As you like it /
Physics for you /
50+ foot challenges : assessment and evidence-based management /
Management /
50 strategies for teaching English language learners /
Curing the fountainheadache : how architects & their clients communicate /
Electronic commerce /
Electronic commerce 2010 : a managerial perspective /
Maintenance and reliability best practices /
A framework for marketing management /
Handbook of maintenance management and engineering /
Management information systems : managing information technology in the business enterprise /
Managing Information Technology Projects /
Marketing management : knowledge and skills /
Construction management : International Student Version /
Management : b Principles and Practices /
Decision support systems and intelligent systems /
Construction methods and planning /
Cruise operations management /
Effective management /
Dental office administration /
Decision support and business intelligence systems /
Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 /
50 ideas you really need to know : management /