Advanced QT programming : creating great software with C++ and QT 4 /
C++ programming /
Programming in C /
The C++ programming language /
C how to program /
The C programming language /
C++ how to program /
The C# programming language /
C# 4.0 how-to /
C# 4.0 unleashed /
An introduction to design patterns in C++ with Qt /
C++ network programming /
Problem solving and program design in C /
C++ : how to program /
Object-oriented programming in C++ /
Object oriented programming with C++ /
C++ GUI programming with Qt 4 /
ArcGIS developer's guide for VBA /
The Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) /
Getting to know ArcGIS desktop /
Programming in Python 3 : a complete introduction to the Python language /