Mechanical and electrical systems in buildings /
Design of electrical services for buildings /
Saudi Building Code : Electrical Requirements = كود البناء السعودي : المتطلبات الكهربائية /
Electric motors and control systems /
Electrical engineering : principles and applications /
Electricity : principles & applications /
Electrical machines, drives, and power systems /
Shigley's mechanical engineering design /
Introduction to electric circuits /
Analytical mechanics /
Mechanics of materials /
Saudi Building Code : Mechanical Requirements SBC 501 = كود البناء السعودي : المتطلبات الميكانيكية /
Electrical raceways & other wiring methods /
Electric motor drives : modeling, analysis, and control /
Mechanics for engineers.
Reaction mechanisms of inorganic and organometallic systems /
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of electric power systems /
Building structures illustrated /
Wonders of world architecture /
Architectural integration and design of solar thermal systems /
Gravaux d'agranissement de la mosquee du Prophete a Medine et de la grande mosquee a la Mecque /