Conducting and reading research in kinesiology /
Foundations of clinical research : applications to practice /
Biomedical Research Methodology : Including Bioststistical Applications /
Research Methodology for Health Professionals : Including Proposal , Thesis and Article Writing /
Designing clinical research /
Nursing research : generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice /
Nursing Research /
Introduction to research in the health sciences /
Research methods : the basics /
Conducting your pharmacy practice research project : a step-by-step guide /
Qualitative research in nursing /
Research Methodology for Nurses /
Research Methodology in Nursing /
Essentials of Nursing Research /
The handbook of media and communication research : qualitative and quantitative methodologies /
The craft of research /
Research methodology /
Nursing research : designs and methods /
Marketing research : an applied orientation /
Back to Basics in Physiology : Fluid in the Renal and Cardiovascular Systems /
English For Medicine /
English-Spanish, Spanish-English medical dictionary = Diccionario medico, ingles-espanol, espanol-ingles /
The ESC textbook of cardiovascular imaging /
Dorland's pocket medical dictionary.
English in medicine : a course in communication skills /
Goldman's Cecil medicine /
Oxford Hand Book Clinical medicine /
Manual Handling for Nursing /
"Boss Series" PSM/
British national formulary.
Davidson's essentials of medicine /
Handbook of pediatrics /
Counseling Skills for Health Care Professionals /
Medicine for Nurses /
Core concepts in health /
Death be not proud /
Mosby's pocket dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions.
When culture impacts health : global lessons for effective health research /